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2020-10-24 Joint Global
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9 months ago
Replied to SFSAuthorkun

You don't know half of it, Planetos is huge, if you don't want to read the books that's fine but at least look it up. I'll leave a few examples. Brindled Men Chimera made in Gogossos Isle of Toads has fish people. In the Shivering sea there are mermaids, Leviathans, Ibbenese and ice dragons Thousand Islands The City of the Winged Men

1 years ago

Finally Hiruzen getting some respect, dude was so hyped up in the original but in fanfics he usually is overlooked as just an old dude.

1 years ago
Replied to SamiOyakodonLover

Female is an adjective but it can be used as a noun, no need to be offended about it.

1 years ago
Replied to LongSongGolden

I get what you mean, but the reason behind the mysterious feel of those places is really GRRM slapping lovecraftian references everywhere and leaving them alone instead of actually developing the rest of the world, after all the story is all about Westeros and he clearly has his hands full already. If you want to read a story with that feel just read Lovecraft instead.

I got more coin on my trips and they got a night out where they could show off their exotic friend from a part of Westeros few ever travel too. I was near as exotic as someone from Asshai in this busy port city, and far less creepy.

Game of Thrones: Path of the Hungry Bear

Game of Thrones: Path of the Hungry Bear

Book&Literature · JManM

1 years ago

Writing is just great, good dialog and the comedy is on point, the characters actually feel like they think and ain’t just retards who don’t know what they are doing just waiting for the MC to exploit or show them the truths of the world, which is a big problem with GOT fanfics, that means the usual (hand waving magical uplift north wanking) shit isn’t gonna happen here. There’s more I can say, but all in all, JManM once again proves that he knows what he is doing. Read it already.

1 years ago
Replied to PriamusTheBright This one is a self insert in DC with sage force

1 years ago

If his 3 gennin pass the Hokage will be impressed and probably try to give him another team though hahahahaha

1 years ago

The MC is a sociopath and a fighting maniac adrenalin junkye, but he aint a psyco edgy sadistic villain who goes around murking people for fun. Wich means he is quite suitable for the setting, any normal, modern day person who reincarnates in Naruto would go crazy. MC goes straight to ANBU, no 50 academy chaps, wich is quite refreshing. Good writing too, author knows his comedy.

1 years ago
Replied to Foosh

House Tully is a Age of Heroes, First Men founded House though, not 300 yold.

Her many talks with Aegon opened her eyes to how large the world truly is. After he told her about the magical abilities that could sometimes be found in those with the Blood of the First Men, she spent more and more time actually getting a grasp on what kind of family she had been married into. Safe to say, the Stark history was vastly more illustrious than anything the Tullys could hope to compete with.

Aegon The Dragon King - GoT/ASOIAF SI

Aegon The Dragon King - GoT/ASOIAF SI

TV · TigerOfTheWest

2 years ago

I've never written a review, but since this fic is quite unknown, being buried in a mountain of crappy content i decided to do so. Overall grammar is pretty good, few mistakes and easy to read, the MC has a decent personality, being neither an edgy psycho nor a little whining brat, he has taken well to the world of Naruto being cautious but not paranoid. The Gamer ability seems well balanced, not instantly world breaking even if it does sometimes occupy too much space with repetitive status and skill lists, but since it is updated so frequently and at a good word count it doesn't really bother me. Story wise, the fight scenes are quite engaging, and the pacing is pretty nice, there are time skips when repetitive actions would take place and more details when otherwise. I see a nice development ahead maybe with a jonin instructor taking him as a sole student, due to his far greater abilities when compared to the other students. All in all i'll be dumping my daily stones here whenever a chapter drops.