"Hey, Albert! Your end is nigh!"
Fantasy · POWER_
A good farmer fattens his animals before eating them.
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More like the entire USA using a water bottle.
It only cost like $3 and was equivalent to the average child's science fair project in the Eternal Universe, something that they could smash together with ease.
Sci-fi · Kotario
Arlan tried eating balut before, but he didn't try it again after eating it once.
Urban · Malignant
if Mario is not introduced as a new character I'll be very disapointed in the author.
what about sueing the college for not getting you degree?
And now that he can focus on his work without the distraction in his heart he finally decided on the next project. an Operating System is what he decided to make.
Sci-fi · Agent_047
did you just divide cm by meters?
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Sci-fi · Agent_047
oh, its the guy with the couch made of the first ever dragons skin or something.
At some point, when Lex had not noticed, they had moved out of Lex's room. Instead, it looked like Lex was sitting in a small wooden cabin, lit only by a single oil lantern.
Fantasy · lifesketcher
Hey guys, Author here. I decided to take a 1 week break from uploading. Sorry to leave you hanging.
Thats only true for an inertail reference frame, an accelerating in not a reference frame. By turning off the hyperdrive, they are no longer accelerating, hence are in park. Are they moving, maybe. tThis would be ralative to another object, nontheless, to them they are in park.
Theoretically, Lex's plan was a good idea. It was now up to them to implement it. Cirk deactivated the Hyperdrive, and parked the ship in empty space. There was no planet or asteroid near them, so having the ship float randomly was the best option for the moment. After all, the Blink module could not be attached to the ship while it was in motion.
The Innkeeper
Fantasy · lifesketcher