
LV 2
2020-10-21 Joint United States
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Moments 17
3 years ago
Replied to Annelaw

Intriuging, i know three amd four are in the same world, but there also being one and two is something to consider.

3 years ago
Replied to Delicious_Staples

Dont note what was said when they met the god of light

4 years ago
Replied to Darkly5

Think ag is agility not age

4 years ago

Of course another reinarnator, she should have recognized it when he predicted the future

4 years ago
Replied to TheLostMushroom

It Is more attonement than gift to get back together. Something happened and that caused Mina’s death. To save her, Dyna manipulated everyones memories so Kat never existed, but that made her life miserable. As reompense Dyna reincarnated her, and maybe subconsously hopes she can return to her.

"That dummy. Of course you loved me! Ugh... so she dreamt of me, did she? Even my heart can flutter after I left her alone back there. I'm sorry Mina... mistakes were made."

Yuri Sword Spirit

Yuri Sword Spirit

LGBT+ · Eleets_Steele

4 years ago

No Kat is Dyna. Best friend/ female crush completly forgotten sounds like magic or divine intervention. then Upon death comes a supreme god who wants her to be happy as her main goal. And said god is a woman who hides thier voice and name as male. My guess is she and kat actualy started dating, then something happened related to kat being a god, she then in depression erases her memory to make her safe, but that causes her life to be miserable, so upon her death she does all this as hopes of atonement, while powering her up so she can be happy, with the intended/unintended side effect of her slowly becoming divine and thus breaking free from her memory manipulation

'My boyfriend didn't even know that I would gush over cute stuff! Kat caught me a few times- wait, Kat again? How could I forget someone like that?'

Yuri Sword Spirit

Yuri Sword Spirit

LGBT+ · Eleets_Steele

4 years ago

This is The same chapter as 42

4 years ago

I feel the humor of her being a loli is engrained in the story, having her grow up is something we readers are waiting for as well. Maybe make her do a literally imposinle quest to grow up, but all she gets is an altered form of her forms. And make ot cost even more to maintain than natires blessing joke ability.

4 years ago

Of course, such a common trope, especially with female protagonists

"At the end of this class, I want you to have a mock battle between fellow students. You can choose a practice sword according to your choice and you can challenge other students. To make you motivated, the winner may ask for something from the loser but it must not involve material, treasure, or items and the request must be with my permission."

Quick Transmigration: Goddess Of My Imagination

Quick Transmigration: Goddess Of My Imagination

Fantasy · YuuZu

4 years ago

Agree with author, rapier is considered lightest sword, and the basis of the sword ised in fencing. it is also 1 handed sword, not two. there were other swords similar that are heavier two handed. but the clasic rapier is light and fast made for stabbing and thrusting.

"Ely, look at this sword. It's so light and flexible. It's called a rapier." Evelyn raised a sword and handed it to Elysia who was approaching her.

Quick Transmigration: Goddess Of My Imagination

Quick Transmigration: Goddess Of My Imagination

Fantasy · YuuZu