it sucked
"Well, if you got the coin, I got the cart. To Winterhold then, but we're talking the long way round, I don't trust the mountain paths this time a year and them Trolls be coming out of their caves, hungry something fierce."
Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
Could this be...the Man with the Scarred Back?
Anime & Comics · FangYuan1234
dwarves are dark evles
Jack had met Light and Dark Elves before as some lived in Asgard. They pretty much looked like the anime elves with Light elves being white-skinned and Dark Elves being dark-skinned.
Anime & Comics · A_Real_Werewolf234
hi there
"I am thou, and thou art I. I am Selene. Thy tower hath reached the moon." She declared, her voice calm and serene, like the light of the moon itself. The air felt different now, a sense of quiet strength emanating from the figure before Shiho.
Video Games · BonVoyage
that's fate for you
Eldritch Tentacle God Monsters are another.
Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
Oh, I'm definitely visiting when I'm older.
Anime & Comics · Alcoholic_Panda
read the description for van gouh
Eldritch Tentacle God Monsters are another.
Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
the sea of souls
"Home." Tartuffe answered before going silent once again.
Video Games · BonVoyage
like a zanpaktou
Instead of an evolution, Kisuke was thinking that it's actually a devolution of something else and that something else is precisely this Prima Materia that only the Transcendent has a chance of touching.
Anime & Comics · Goyya
anilation maker In dxd
Exams, thesis and many other things. After this I was dragged down to a vacation very far from my PC. Returned after the new year, but I still needed time to myself.
Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel
Anime & Comics · Evans_The_Writer