"We will take you to the store to get anyone you need", his father assured him.
LGBT+ · KallaJ
see its always you you and you
"It was one of the most disturbing episodes of my life and I never wish to experience it again", Oliver noted. "I can only be thankful for my current parents, who rescued me and adopted me when my biological father felt it was right to murder me because I am queer".
LGBT+ · KallaJ
oh shut up already
"Thank you for being such a gentleman", Oliver said.
LGBT+ · KallaJ
fudge you oliverrrrrr
"How can I be so sure that you didn't forcefully have sex with me while I wasn't of sound mind last night?" Oliver asked again, sounding as if he was convinced that he had been raped.
LGBT+ · KallaJ
no no not aggain
Even while his memory might not be the best upon initially waking up, he was certain he had slept in his clothes and not in the piece of towel he had woken up with.
LGBT+ · KallaJ
yumm yumm
Oliver closed his eyes and parted his lips slightly giving an invitation to Vukan. The blanket fell down as they both leaned down on the bed. Vukan caressed Oliver's face ever so gently before leaning close to capture his lips.
LGBT+ · KallaJ
nice please update soon
Thank you for the update. really enjoyed it. so vukan and oliver will be spending the night together. i am happy that they are finally getting the time they deserved. hopfeully oliver opens up to vukan
Yes. I liked the writing style. And omo i love these guys haha
seriously olivers only job is to hurt vukan
Playboy is my Date
LGBT+ · KallaJ