Webnovel Author: KojiSan - Fanfic Collection



male LV 14
2020-09-11 Joint Global

Badges 11

Moments 1198


no mate, believe me. you dont need these things to have a popular fanfic, thats the shortcut that losers take, and you aint no loser

And fuck, I've noticed that in order for a fanfic to go higher, do you have to put almost naked women on the cover? In my opinion, this is completely idiotic, and is done to attract harem fans. And speaking of harems, it makes so little sense that you wonder who would even like that shit? What do you think?

Thomas Andre in Marvel

Thomas Andre in Marvel

TV · Black_Cyclop

Replied to Kachow_0


He stops for a second, and stares at the void for several seconds thinking of what he just heard 'Things are more beautiful because we are fated to die, huh? Well I can't disagree with the voice, I doubt I could attach myself to anything if actually had immortality.. it's just… who never wished to remain young forever?.. perhaps is just my fear of death due to my past life...sigh.. but it is as the voice said, after certain point it will become like a curse.. watching everyone around me die while i remain, just thinking about it already depresses me.. I could share the knowledge and keep them alive too but, how many generations can I keep doing that before we all lose our sanity and our humanity..'

Madara in the Avatar World

Madara in the Avatar World

Anime & Comics · KojiSan

Replied to Ryujin_OP

its a simplified way to see it .. but yes.. similar to skyrim

Sigh "If only they knew…" Madara said while staring at the ceiling, his fire wave sure was impressive, was on the level of Ozai's firebending after being enhanced by Sozin's comet, the problem was it emptied his chi pool, he could still firebend after doing that but not for long, if he had to guess he would say it was below 1/3 after his 'Great Fire Annihilation'.

Madara in the Avatar World

Madara in the Avatar World

Anime & Comics · KojiSan


"you are eating my food's food!"

"Argue as much as you want, you're still eating grass." He said, shrugging when she glared a hole at his face.

HP: Eagle Soars

HP: Eagle Soars

Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH

Replied to Majur_Wulf

Asami Sato Iknik Balckstone Varrick Ty Lee Zhu Li

"Oh? So, its Mr. Madara then? Or do you have a family name?"

Madara in the Avatar World

Madara in the Avatar World

Anime & Comics · KojiSan

Replied to Sargon37


Anyway, I take over someone whose future is to die. Yeah. Fuck up, huh? Just like this world!

I Only Want to Enjoy Life But My Little Sister Want Me to be King

I Only Want to Enjoy Life But My Little Sister Want Me to be King

Book&Literature · Fangrove


Valyrian Trading.. ?

A/N: Guys help me think of a name that suits Auron's trading company. Just leave it here in the paragraph's comment and I will choose one.

Game of Thrones: Auron Blackfyre's Tale

Game of Thrones: Auron Blackfyre's Tale

TV · Inkbot


dude is building Dalaran ... D:

Thanks to the golems and atronachs that he created Nicks area on the map was already starting to take the shape of a city with high enchanted walls and architecture that was a mix of dwemer and elvish by his own design. The buildings were a strange mix of soft looking curves and sturdy stone and metal construction. If one imagined all of this with the way nature appeared before the ritual than they would be sorely mistaken. Plantlife had also evolved after the mana density had increased so all of the deforested areas and damaged environments globally had rapidly filled with new tall powerful trees and plants.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

Replied to Pleades

its not just busy, but also lack inspiration which sucks, this ff is my baby xD i wont give up on it even if it takes a while to finish it

AN: To be honest i was and still am a bit scared of posting this chapter, for the simple reason that it's not all about Madara destroying everyone like the ultimate chad, like it happened on Naruto... well it's understandable, he is not the real madara, he is 11, and he does not have chakra to enhance himself... but regardless... people have their tastes and what they want to read.... and i feel like a lot of people will hate me after this chapter, i can only hope to be wrong... but i have my story to tell, and i will tell it regardless.

Madara in the Avatar World

Madara in the Avatar World

Anime & Comics · KojiSan

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