15 degrees Celsius is not icy. if anything, it's temperate. 5 degrees or lower would feel icy.
Even Hikaru . Although the air was icy, perhaps 15 degrees Celsius, Hikaru was sweating like he was in a sauna. This was his first time fighting with other players, and he was both nervous and excited.
Fantasy · HikaruKiki
it's actually not. Common numbers require a 10 to 1 advantage for the attacker to the defender. more in a properly fortified city like this seems to be. if they are wounding 4 out of 6....disease and festering will take out the attackers far faster than they can mount an effective assault. of course.. .minus magic.
I didn't bother to tell him that four times the wounds on an enemy with six times the numbers was actually losing. The Uruk weren't the only ones who needed to keep morale up, after all.
Fantasy · Mike_Kochis
nope...thats 65 million. plus or minus a bit. but who's counting?
It had been 6 days ever since I had been thrown into the hell hole that is Earth almost 250 million years ago, or to be precise, just a million years away from the largest mass extinction to ever be recorded, or that was what I thought anyway.
Fantasy · GRE3D
this right here, MAKES hom a psycho killer. like, the literal definition of one
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Eastern · ViciousPepper
honestly, yes please lol
The white mist started to enter through Novis' body through his nose, mouth, ears, wherever there was a hole. Novis could do nothing to prevent its infiltration of his body. When the mist had completely entered Novis' body, his eyesight began to blur and vision went black.
Fantasy · JKSManga
this is fine for desktop versions. but us on the mobile app cannot see anything
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Fantasy · PilgrimJagger
why? because Tolkien said so? there's WAY more cases of dwarves and elves getting along in fantasy than otherwise.
At this time, many Elves and even dwarves wandered the streets of this domain. The Elves had a solid and excellent relationship with the dwarves, so they could be seen walking around the streets often.
Fantasy · Monster_Paradise
"Gasp! Grand Priest Neo!" Everyone gasped in shock, this man never made an appearance in public and many rarely saw him so close. Two other men followed behind him, they were giving off powerful pressure that stunned everyone.
Fantasy · Monster_Paradise
mana armour? dude is legit invincible with a shield spell....
Since the cost of the lowest armor exceeds 500 gold coins. And being poor, he couldn't afford it.
Fantasy · Wringbro
please keep this book going
Dungeons and Dalliances: A Futa LitRPG
Fantasy · winterwhereof