Blackthorn1 - Profile



LV 4
2020-09-05 Joint Global

Badges 7

Moments 1675


Yes, exactly.

"Bloody hell, what in the seven seas are those winged devils?" he cursed, momentarily taken aback by the sight of the demonic entities.

Hitman with a Badass System

Hitman with a Badass System

Action · don_offl



Wolf, holding a lit cigar between his fingers, gave her a nod. "Riyana. Why did you call me here?" His voice was gruff, carrying a hint of impatience.

Anti Hero with a Symbiote System

Anti Hero with a Symbiote System

Action · don_offl



She picked up the bloodied club, caressing it like a beloved object. "With this song," she said, holding the club aloft, "and with laughter, I will paint the streets red. A beautiful chaos, a tribute to my lost love."

Anti Hero with a Symbiote System

Anti Hero with a Symbiote System

Action · don_offl


Is that you Harley?

"Veland has taken something precious from me, and for that, I will turn this city into a chaotic, suffering mess. Everyone will pay for what was stolen from me!"

Anti Hero with a Symbiote System

Anti Hero with a Symbiote System

Action · don_offl


What was their powerlevel? Did they all have a master and it's 80% of that? Or do they work differently than Azazel? Because isn't his level something like half of Michaels own level? An on that topic, how does Azazels power work with Michaels god-level powers?

Skyhall had achieved remarkable success in their dark experiments, managing to reanimate the demon corpses to nearly 80% of their former power from when they were alive. This achievement was one of many aces Skyhall had strategically held up its sleeve, preparing to unleash a reanimated demon army that had not seen the light of day for centuries.

Hitman with a Badass System

Hitman with a Badass System

Action · don_offl


Welp, he's dead.

"Yes..." Robert replied, a part of him still uncertain if he was merely imagining this.

Anti Hero with a Symbiote System

Anti Hero with a Symbiote System

Action · don_offl


Ah yes, let's use this metal to give us cover from the guy who can control metal. Flawless plan.

Metal shards pierced Deathstalker's clothing, drawing blood and leaving jagged wounds in their wake. The relentless assault forced him to take cover behind a makeshift barricade of metal scraps, shielding himself from the relentless barrage.

Anti Hero with a Symbiote System

Anti Hero with a Symbiote System

Action · don_offl



Queen Charlotte, her anxiety evident in her voice, took a tentative step forward and asked, "Did anyone see you use the secret tunnel?"

Anti Hero with a Symbiote System

Anti Hero with a Symbiote System

Action · don_offl


The pirate siege is already ongoing. It is no longer impending. It would be "active" or "ongoing" or something like that.

But Draven, the embodiment of vengeance and justice, was undeterred. He was determined to overcome this deadly challenge and secure the ammunition required for the prototype weapon, which could be their only hope against the impending pirate siege.

Anti Hero with a Symbiote System

Anti Hero with a Symbiote System

Action · don_offl


I love overconfident scenes like this! 😂 That's not how water recently freed from captivity (the dam) works...

Others chimed in with equally absurd reasoning, showing their naivety in a comical way. "We're pirates, mate! Water can't drown us!" they declared confidently.

Anti Hero with a Symbiote System

Anti Hero with a Symbiote System

Action · don_offl


How regular is "regular intervals"?

[The Eye of Secrecy Rune will render the host invisible to all forms of detection as long as the host continues to slay gods at regular intervals.]

Hitman with a Badass System

Hitman with a Badass System

Action · don_offl


400 For a Skyhall ELDER? I knew the system was stingy, but come on...

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the Skyhall Elder. The reward is 5000 Experience points and 400 Badass points.]

Hitman with a Badass System

Hitman with a Badass System

Action · don_offl


New status? Is Salesi a goddess now?

He gestured towards Seraphine and Salesi to take their seats. With a cautious glance, Seraphine chose a throne that resonated with her essence of knowledge and intrigue, while Salesi, filled with pride and awe, sat on a throne that seemed to embrace her newfound status.

Hitman with a Badass System

Hitman with a Badass System

Action · don_offl



"This ends now, creature of darkness!" Valorius proclaimed. Gathering all his celestial energy, he unleashed a final, devastating blow. His fist glowed like a sun, and as he struck, a shockwave of pure valorous energy surged forth, tearing through the bindings and striking Vedora with such force that the ground itself shattered under the impact.

Hitman with a Badass System

Hitman with a Badass System

Action · don_offl


🤯 Several HUNDRED feet? That thing is huge! Huger than huge! 😱

The creature's body, vast and serpentine, coiled and twisted with an agility that belied its colossal size. Its wings, each spanning several hundred feet, unfurled with a thunderous clamor, stirring whirlwinds and sending shockwaves throughout the already devastated landscape. 

Hitman with a Badass System

Hitman with a Badass System

Action · don_offl


So the ruins are Australia?

"Everywhere you turn in these cursed ruins, something's waiting to bite you!"

Hitman with a Badass System

Hitman with a Badass System

Action · don_offl

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