Yummmm pasta 🤤
The pesto pasta my dad made usually makes my mouth water but I couldn't bring myself to eat even a single bite.
Teen · Dvanzy6
How can i not be Sweet my child 😄 tell me
I am sure, it will. good luck my child 💝
Goosbum** 😱
He shook his head and said, "No, but you will be needing me in the next 21 days."
Teen · Dvanzy6
It that a ghost omg 😅
I felt a hand over my shoulder and turned around to find a man that looked in his late twenties completely dressed in white. He had these bright blue eyes that looked like a baby's. His tanned skin shone in the night.
Teen · Dvanzy6
Omggggg i feel so heartbroken 😭
Maybe a month back or so. But he seemed so happy. As the realization finally settled in that a boy I had gone to school with for almost 11 years is no longer alive, my chest tightened again.
Teen · Dvanzy6
Thats what
I couldn't help but wonder how he could leave a family that loved him to death.
Teen · Dvanzy6
His eyes were closed and his skin was lifeless.
Teen · Dvanzy6
Sad sad 😞
I saw Hazel and Olivia, Xavier's 5 year old twin sisters asking their mum when would Xavier come back.
Teen · Dvanzy6
Goosebumps 😥
As I woke up the next day, I realized I didn't have school because it was a holiday. I looked at my wrist and saw the number had changed.
Teen · Dvanzy6