Oh the kingdom is trying to hunt him but well with no success 😂😂😂😂😂
The cultist felt like his soul was about to leave his body after he heard the devil's proposed torture method. He felt that the kingdoms should hunt this vile creature instead of targeting poor blokes like him who only wanted to fight for some freedom.
Fantasy · Grayback
Go ahead
'Should I eat her now?'
Fantasy · Grayback
Eren was in a self-imposed hurry. He allowed his hands to roam around aunt Nina's back for some time before he moved towards the softest zone he could lay his hands on with his position.
Fantasy · Grayback
When he will understand it's not a dream he will whish he had died 😂😂😂😂😂
Eren thought and launched himself towards Nina.
Fantasy · Grayback
Sure but your manners... well
Elly nodded at Avollo's words, but as if only now figuring something out, she glared at him and shouted in anger, "Hey, what was that? Of course I'll be girlish! I AM A GIRL!"
Games · ShadowsFinger
What is your? Really 😂😂😂😂😂go say that to your parents see their faces 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
'It serves her right, that'll teach her than to mock what's mine.'
Games · ShadowsFinger
Dude you better not have him heard you or else... well rest in peace 😈
"Where's that son of bitch? He better not think he can get away," Delkan murmured with raw hate in his eyes.
Games · ShadowsFinger
Hum what kind of world is that?
Liora lifted her eyes to him, the weakest smile he'd ever seen plastered on her face, "I've got nothing left. I have nothing. In a few months I won't even have a roof over my head. No sane man would marry a used woman like me, not at my age, not when I've already birthed a child. Death is the only thing left for me."
Fantasy · Lasarus
i don't there's any hope for reconciliation with his "mom" at this point 😅.
'Son of a bitch? How does he know about my mother so well?'
Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil
Fantasy · Grayback