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I think I'm addicted

2020-08-25 Joint Global

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Meanwhile, back in the United States, a state of unrest could be seen in nearly every state as thousands of people gathered in the streets to protest the ongoing War. 

God Of The Omniverse

God Of The Omniverse

Movies · God_Of_Brutality


hmm is mercy gonna be having fun next chapter or someone else

Once they made their way up the stairs, Arias said those final words to Tara before his attention shifted to Mercy, who was currently leaning against the grand doors that led to the current lounge area Tara and Arias were in. As usual, she had a frown, but it didn't take away from her rather alluring outfit she wore, composed of a tight-fitting formal suit with pantyhose. 

God Of The Omniverse

God Of The Omniverse

Movies · God_Of_Brutality


chapter summary = They are scared

"If you will bow now and swear absolute allegiance to me, then I shall forgive these transgressions. But I will fully expect each and every one of you to work to your deaths for the sake of the crown. Am I clear?"

God Of The Omniverse

God Of The Omniverse

Movies · God_Of_Brutality

Replied to Air_wic

it said the formula was written on the paper so all he had to do was memorized it and saved his money

Leylin nodded his head and tucked the parchment paper into his robes. He took out the last 2 magic crystals he had in his waist pouch and handed it to Woox, then left the hut without turning back.

Warlock of the Magus World

Warlock of the Magus World

Fantasy · The Plagiarist

Replied to User_Name001

yall could try "path to eternity" by antinoob I read it a while back but I remember it being good

Arias had thoroughly left them flabbergasted, and now, rather than immediately capitalizing on it, he let the fear marinate.

God Of The Omniverse

God Of The Omniverse

Movies · God_Of_Brutality



Ju-Hui's current physical condition did look terrible even from a casual glance. Her lips were in the shade of pale blue, while her entire body continued to tremble ever so imperceptibly.

Solo Leveling(Only I Level Up)

Solo Leveling(Only I Level Up)

Urban · 추공 (Chugong)


umm why is no one worried that it might need six sacrifices

'If I take into consideration the space between the flames, two more will complete the circle.'

Solo Leveling(Only I Level Up)

Solo Leveling(Only I Level Up)

Urban · 추공 (Chugong)


more than half the group is dead too and it wasn't no "more than half" it was half half each and then mc said less go

More than half of the group agreed to do it together. Just because things had gone south, blaming Song for everything was simply too cowardly, he thought.

Solo Leveling(Only I Level Up)

Solo Leveling(Only I Level Up)

Urban · 추공 (Chugong)

Replied to lyreen96

um mc was the final vote

Exploring the dual dungeon was decided with the vote involving everyone, but Kim had already erased that memory off his head after losing much of his reasoning.

Solo Leveling(Only I Level Up)

Solo Leveling(Only I Level Up)

Urban · 추공 (Chugong)


I mean respectfully if Mc just voted against going none of this would be happening

"Just who was it that dragged us to this place? Wasn't it this guy? Yes, it was Mister Song! So, don't you think it's only right for Mister Song to take the ultimate responsibility?"

Solo Leveling(Only I Level Up)

Solo Leveling(Only I Level Up)

Urban · 추공 (Chugong)


is it bouta go crazy now


After saying that, Cheshire left the room entirely and upon doing so, Arias's figure vanished on the spot, before reappearing in dark but sparse forest that overlooked a large and easily recognizable building in the distance… Fort Knox. 

God Of The Omniverse

God Of The Omniverse

Movies · God_Of_Brutality


I feel like supe would just get a next suit to hide his identity

Without better understanding the circumstances, they themselves couldn't get involved, even in the act of rescuing people. If Markovia was indeed at fault, then they would be fighting for a country that chose to kidnap children and women to influence a decision in their favor. So, no matter how they felt about the war, after looking at the circumstances, they knew they couldn't act in the interest of any side. And Arias knew this. 

God Of The Omniverse

God Of The Omniverse

Movies · God_Of_Brutality


B rank btw

Drops of blood started falling from Ju-Hui's nose. That was the sign of her reaching the limits of her physical stamina.

Solo Leveling(Only I Level Up)

Solo Leveling(Only I Level Up)

Urban · 추공 (Chugong)



Meanwhile, Ju-Hui began running from her position at the far end of the chamber.

Solo Leveling(Only I Level Up)

Solo Leveling(Only I Level Up)

Urban · 추공 (Chugong)

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