Morene_Firewolf - Profile


female LV 11

I love reading and enjoy running. I love fanfiction books and despise nonfiction. I tend to be picky with what I read.

2020-08-25 Joint United States

Badges 10

Moments 218



'It seems like things are going to be even more interesting than I thought they would be.'

Harry Potter's Chaotic Twin

Harry Potter's Chaotic Twin

Book&Literature · Nartleb



It shouts immediately. "Slytherin! Now get me off of her! My eyes! My nonexistent eyes! Someone get me an Obliviate! Or better yet some mind bleach!" By instinct, Professor McGonagall snatches up the hat while everyone stares at me in confused silence. Everyone.

Harry Potter's Chaotic Twin

Harry Potter's Chaotic Twin

Book&Literature · Nartleb



3: Have Akame and Ansel turn the country of wind into a place that benefits both humans and demons. the people of Sunagakure will no longer worry about water and food and the demons would have a place to start colonizing. Akame would use her human nature to fuse the chakra of the naruto world and mix it with the Demonic Chakra so that both races can coexist in the same land.

Reincarnated into the Naruto Universe as Akame Uchiha

Reincarnated into the Naruto Universe as Akame Uchiha

Anime & Comics · Crimson1997


I feel like these jokes were ones the author was just waiting to use. It's kind of funny to think the author had these jokes in the back of their mind, just waiting for any opportunity.

Ce paragraphe a été supprimé.


Anime & Comics · KyuuSushi


And yet that still didn't save him. To think they could have just put a wand to Harry's head and made him disappear. Instead, Moody lost more than his leg, eye, or sanity, he lost his life.

The rest of it was alright, I performed above average but not stellar, after all as far as my parents and the government was concerned I had never gone through any form of training. Performing to my best would be suspicious, and while I almost considered myself paranoid I immediately squished those thoughts with the words my sword instructor had given me all those years ago 'Constant Vigilance'.

MHA:Concept Gear

MHA:Concept Gear

Anime & Comics · FallenVoid


wait... was that her past? He saw in her eyes who she used to be bleeding through?

Watching them interact was extremely pleasant, just a nice happy family. Suddenly I felt something coming from the child, turning to look I was met with cold eyes of steel and blood. I was no longer in a hospital, I was on a battlefield. Corpses laying around and in the midst a single young lady sat sharpening a sword.

MHA:Concept Gear

MHA:Concept Gear

Anime & Comics · FallenVoid



"So daddy's running away from grandma and grandpa?"

MHA:Concept Gear

MHA:Concept Gear

Anime & Comics · FallenVoid


I grew up with English, and it is still is sometimes like someone is trying to play Tetris with circles....

It had been two months since I was born and I had finally begun to understand Japanese. I know people always said that English was confusing but personally I don't think I'll ever find anything harder to learn then Japanese. Of course I'd learned fairly fast, something I'd attributed to my developing brain, but it felt incredibly slow.

MHA:Concept Gear

MHA:Concept Gear

Anime & Comics · FallenVoid


She can totally use the accio spell at the top of the stairs on someone below her to give them a major wedgie. Then run while they panic....I have a sibling....

Everyone else that I encountered seems to have the same kind of magic stuck to them that tried to attach itself to me back when we first left the station. It doesn't seem to do anything though, other than having some kind of alarm function. I couldn't find what triggers it though, so I left it alone.

Harry Potter's Chaotic Twin

Harry Potter's Chaotic Twin

Book&Literature · Nartleb



I press my hand against my mouth in shock, tears at the corners of my eyes. "My twin is a murderer!? How could you!?" I rush out of the compartment with tears in my eyes, ignoring Ron's confusion. Hermione just rolls her eyes at my performance, already used to my antics after our journey through the hallway.

Harry Potter's Chaotic Twin

Harry Potter's Chaotic Twin

Book&Literature · Nartleb


The Trace?

The train starts moving without anyone coming into the compartment, so I resign myself to a boring ride. But as the train passes the archway leading outside, a feeling comes over me. Something… constricting? I can tell it's magical in nature, and since I don't trust random magic being used on me without knowing who's casting it, I flare my own power and dispel it from myself. But now I'm curious about whether or not other people felt it as well.

Harry Potter's Chaotic Twin

Harry Potter's Chaotic Twin

Book&Literature · Nartleb

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