Thank you! I didn't drop it, but a lot happened these last two years or so, and I haven't gotten a chance to keep writing as much as I want. I'm working on it, slowly.
Unfortunately my phone can’t handle the edito, and I have no access to a pc at the moment. I’ll be back home in about half a day though - I’ll fix it then. Sorry if a day’s wait was too much for you.
I flinched. I had hoped he wouldn't ask. "Well," I said after a moment's hesitation. "I guess you could call it a misunderstanding on Erik's part." I shrugged. It was such a silly and meaningless thing that I almost felt embarrassed talking about it. "He thought I was trying to replace him. I think." I added.
Games · Dweia
I did, or so I thought. Apparently the edit didn’t go through. I will fix it as soon as I’m back at my pc. Thanks for letting me know! :)
Ce paragraphe a été supprimé.
Games · Dweia
Thank you for reading! Seeing your comments every day made me really happy, I'm so glad you enjoyed reading my book. I'll be back soon with a new story, no worries! I have a progress tracker of sorts on my discord where anyone can follow what I'm working on at the moment, and everyone is welcome, so come along if you want to!
There is no max amount. He can have as many as he can get.
Now back on my feet and slightly more used to my newfound power, I stood firm as three creatures leapt out of the trees. The first, I hit with a Dark Bolt and immediately struck with my sword. Then, the deadly dance began once more. The dark flames on my sword – a product of Death's Scythe – slowly wore off, prompting the creatures to strike once more.
Games · Dweia
To be perfectly honest, I'm not entirely happy with it either. I made some mistakes along the way and write myself into a corner at some point. I'm hoping that a sequel will give me the opportunity to fix those mistakes, so I wanted to leave the story somewhat open ended.
That's actually a really good comparison ahahah :D
ohhh, yeah! Sorry about that, fixed!
Ce paragraphe a été supprimé.
Games · Dweia
Oh I would absolutely love to do that, but it's not in my power to make that happen. Besides, I'd be sure to edit and fix any and all errors. I will keep trying! And thank you for reading! You have no idea how much this means to me!
The Soul Keeper
Games · Dweia