Hanging in there. Taking care of business. just glad I got to write something.
thanks for catching these slips.
"No need to worry, Scorcher. I am here to assist you in Soundwave's absence." The figure said, having a similar monotone voice to Soundwave, yet it differed in that it was a more calmer and smoother voice than Soundwaves purely synthetic one. The figure kneeled in front of Scorcher and raised his head. Scorcher could have sword he had heard this voice before, speaking to Soundwave. "My name is Legate, and my master has ordered me to assist you."
Anime & Comics · The_Arc1t3ct
Thank you for the praise. it means a lot right now.
I'll continue to write when I have the time and I'm not exhausted from my irl job. I apologize for not posting a story here recently
Legate is an "original" character. he is not from any film.
"No need to worry, Scorcher. I am here to assist you in Soundwave's absence." The figure said, having a similar monotone voice to Soundwave, yet it differed in that it was a more calmer and smoother voice than Soundwaves purely synthetic one. The figure kneeled in front of Scorcher and raised his head. Scorcher could have sword he had heard this voice before, speaking to Soundwave. "My name is Legate, and my master has ordered me to assist you."
Anime & Comics · The_Arc1t3ct
In the near future, yes. I have had a rather busy weekend, so I didn't have much time to write.
I'll update it if its inaccurate. may have just read stuff wrong.
The officer who had spoke to William stared at the ensuing battle, seeing that even though they were almost matched in number, the two smaller bots that had joined William's tank were not quite as powerful. He then saw a discarded PIAT lying in a nearby trench. He hopped up and ran towards the rpg, grabbing the attention of his fellow Brits, who were amazed by this bravery. To dare try and intervene in this alien's war.
Anime & Comics · The_Arc1t3ct
if you're asking for a visual style, then I ask you check out the War for Cubertron and Fall for Cubertron Activision games. that is what I based the story off of, so maybe that'll help
There is no art. There would be if I had the slightest artistic skills with a pencil and stuff, but alas, I do not. Apologies
the PEAK Transformers Games
Trypticon Station
Transformers: The Secret Wars
Anime & Comics · The_Arc1t3ct