thia_night - Profile


LV 2
2020-08-01 Joint Spain

Badges 7

Moments 80


Lo llamo SER Greg y a sí misma una HUMILDE diosa... yo soy la única que siente que algo está mal ahí?

"Sir Greg, relax. I am nothing more than a humble goddess who has come to explain things to you "The Goddess spoke up.

Building an Empire in Game of Thrones

Building an Empire in Game of Thrones

War · Dr_Dred


es un placer conocerte... hay que educado...

Noticing somebody approaching him, he opened his eyes and looked at Thornir "So your name is Thornir huh, it's nice to meet you, and thank you for saving both Dalla and Val" Said Aranir

Becoming King of the Wildling's in GOT

Becoming King of the Wildling's in GOT

TV · Dr_Dred


hablan con mucha propiedad, para ser unos niños que son considerados salvajes, no es que digo que sean tontos, pero esa forma de hablar de alguna manera no les conviene...

"Nope unless there is a tribe we don't know about but otherwise than that we don't have that much knowledge of other tribes and villages" Said Val

Becoming King of the Wildling's in GOT

Becoming King of the Wildling's in GOT

TV · Dr_Dred


muy... divertido?

What ever the case was, they were glad that he was here, since somehow they felt that the future would be a lot of fun for them now.

Becoming King of the Wildling's in GOT

Becoming King of the Wildling's in GOT

TV · Dr_Dred


pense que tenia 6 años?

Plus, from what she has seen earlier, Dalla had saw that Thornir had some weird abilities that no normal 8-year-old should have, and she was curious.

Becoming King of the Wildling's in GOT

Becoming King of the Wildling's in GOT

TV · Dr_Dred


claro lo piensan, total, pueden perder la vida al unirse a él, no como si la fueran a perder de todos modos siendo simples niños en un bosque de invierno constante, sin techo ni comida, es que es super tonto contar con otra persona, total a veces la fuerza no está en los números, está en ser una comida para los lobos o otros animales salvajes, al ser solo 2 niñas caminando solas en un bosque,,,, si duden, que más pueden hacer?

Val and Dalla had looked at each other, thinking about whether they should join or not. And after a few minutes of discussion they decided that they will join because if they try to join an existing Clan they will just be looked at as outsider's and probably not even cared for, but if they join Thornir's Clan they will not have to worried about none of that.

Becoming King of the Wildling's in GOT

Becoming King of the Wildling's in GOT

TV · Dr_Dred


Es en serio? ¿los regaño? y por eso se considera un mal encuentro? deberían estar contentos y ser capaces de ignorar simples palabras mientras se tenga un techo sobre sus cabezas y un estómago lleno o al menos algo en el estómago...

And it would be risky going back to look for them, so they started travelling through the forest trying to survive or find some other people that were friendly, but so far luck has not been on their side as the first encounter with people didn't go well since they were told off by the entire village.

Becoming King of the Wildling's in GOT

Becoming King of the Wildling's in GOT

TV · Dr_Dred


muchos, ya que, ya que, ya que.... aun así, buena historia hasta ahora, aunque el protagonista parece un prototipo de protagonista santo o buen samaritano, es un soldado, un hombre adulto, y está en un lugar desconocido, debería dejar de ser impulsivo y saltar a situaciones donde no sabe nada, y tener más instinto de conservación, además está en un lugar donde el fuerte se aprovecha del débil, parece que no tiene un pelo de maldad en su cuerpo, siendo capaz de decir a otros que no se preocupen por el como si la vida de otros fuera más importante que la de él (a pesar de que tiene esos poderes), lo comerán vivo otros salvajes si es así, aunque puede hacer un gran contraste entre otros salvajes y el ( al mostrarse tan abnegado), logrando que otros se unan a su clan y reino, si no muestra algo de intriga, astucia o un gramos de manipulación, el interés que le tengo a esta historia se va a desvanecer, después de todo si es tan buen protagonista se volverá aburrido a mi parecer, pero bueno es opinión mía, lo digo sin querer ofender de ninguna forma... esa es mi opinión, aunque capas que sea prejuiciosa espero que en los próximos capítulos el protagonista muestre un poco más de intriga o manipulación, aunque bueno hasta ahora fue una buena historia, espero ver cómo serán los próximos capítulos

"Sister Thornir has woken up, and he is fine" Said Val since earlier her sister was worried about Thornir who suddenly passed out.

Becoming King of the Wildling's in GOT

Becoming King of the Wildling's in GOT

TV · Dr_Dred


sin palabras...

But the amount of magic his little body could use was so little that he ended up passing out from overexerting himself. But before he did, he managed to save the girl's life.

Becoming King of the Wildling's in GOT

Becoming King of the Wildling's in GOT

TV · Dr_Dred

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