didn't he have video call with his father
Ash just looked at Janine and gave her a dry look. "Wow, way too flex on the fatherless child, the fatherless activity counsel will hear about this."
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
"So you want to explain?"
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
why would he forget the move what a waste
Pikachu learned Dig for this one moment, and it is never going to be used again. Probably, now you may ask how Pikachu learn Dig, by digging of course what you think he did, dance in a volcano.
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
if he makes more then one person per world a part of his pearage it would be a waste
Boa Hancock and Nico Robin. Enough said. Haki and Marine Six Styles. Both of which I planned to master. Devil Fruits. Specifically, the two I already had—Rumble-Rumble (Lightning) and Flame-Flame (Fire).
Anime & Comics · Ryan_Colman
[Please comment with a name for the Fire Kirin. The most liked one will be chosen. Keep in mind that it's a lady. It's a perk for being the privilege reader.]
Fantasy · PeterPan
the ability to completely erase injury's not heal erase
Orihime's Healing Rejection Abilities (Bleach)
Movies · wolf_king87
that's fuking hilarious
Barney's Ability to Look Good in Every Picture (How I Met Your Mother)
Movies · wolf_king87
how does he know what marvel and DC are if he's a vegetable
I took a deep breath. "Alright, Mom. Since I lost all my memories and I'm starting a new life, I don't see the point in trying to get my old ones back."
Movies · wolf_king87
i thought the same lol
Movies · wolf_king87
nah that's the keystone
But after it began slightly pulsating, as some of the cracks began to close.
Pokemon: Radical Redux
Anime & Comics · Katsu39