Shaq_Fu - Profile



LV 15

Something about urself

2020-07-15 Joint Global

Badges 19

Moments 6189

Replied to Cloudless_Dreamer

check my reply to the other idiot.

Now, performing Dual Cultivation to a youngster… doesn't really suit his taste. 

I Can Contract Beauties

I Can Contract Beauties

Eastern · Neil_Ads

Replied to Anime_fan1234

u know it does not have to specifacly be ur sester, most women r someones sester 😂😂😂

"If you want, we can try It right now ♥, remember that I'm ready to be yours anytime you want to hehehe".

The rise of the pervert primordial

The rise of the pervert primordial

Fantasy · Barion_Trident

Replied to DaoistGreenOnion


Replied to DaoistGreenOnion

thats bc it wouldnt let me highlight thaf comment everytime i press it only lets me leave the coment on the previous pargraph 😂

"The audacity of that damn... arrogant... bossy... insufferably handsome... devilishly confident... inexplicably but appealingly strong and... bewitchingly mysterious yet witty and charmi-..."

Dual Cultivation God Returns

Dual Cultivation God Returns

Eastern · DaoistGreenOnion

Replied to DaoistGreenOnion

no problam bud, just took me sometime to reread 😂.

"She means that the people I would cultivate with would have to be a select group, even if it was a large one, which we could trust, and that will eventually travel with us when we leave, so that we don't have to seek out new people later"

Dual Cultivation God Returns

Dual Cultivation God Returns

Eastern · DaoistGreenOnion


u r defently correct and ur comment is even funnier than her tairade. but buddy i know u dont have a wife, or a dao companion bc what u said is defently not the write thing to say or the right time 😂

"The audacity of that damn... arrogant... bossy... insufferably handsome... devilishly confident... inexplicably but appealingly strong and... bewitchingly mysterious yet witty and charmi-..."

Dual Cultivation God Returns

Dual Cultivation God Returns

Eastern · DaoistGreenOnion

Replied to Daoist_Culture

yeah she really should have some fun, she descovered him first in this world after all, and i love how lazy she always wants to be, i admire lazy ppl. 😂

"And as always, I receive a notification telling me: 'here's what's going to happen, good luck with that', with a ribbon delivered a day after everything's been put into motion at best and a year after he went away at worst"

Dual Cultivation God Returns

Dual Cultivation God Returns

Eastern · DaoistGreenOnion


ahhh i knew. but what u dont know my dear zyian is that u r the special one one

"I... I know it was important for Sister Luxiao, as she was not able to give you her first time, so... it was symbolic... um...this is very petty and selfish and I shouldn't even think about it, but... but... I wanted to be first to... I... it was a surprise... but..."

Dual Cultivation God Returns

Dual Cultivation God Returns

Eastern · DaoistGreenOnion


thats why she is special.

He chuckled as what she referred to was something he had Yu Huan make while he was still in the sect, since Hua Ziyan's palm and fist techniques could be harsh on the hand skin. It was just a small gift, and something he did not consider a big gesture. The fact she took such a small thought as something special made him realize how little she still thought of herself.

Dual Cultivation God Returns

Dual Cultivation God Returns

Eastern · DaoistGreenOnion


not necessarly. if like i sad take an add in a news paper, intrsted to raise ur cultivation, not intrested in a relationship, i can pump and dump with a few extra lvls. i prefer meangfull realationships. but he is a dual cultivator after all, gotta take the negtave, and elmnate the worst of it 😂

He could tell Shen Min's idea since it was something he thought of as well, though their reasoning for it was slightly different. Whereas Shen Min's issue was with trust toward strangers, his issue was with using someone as cultivation partner like a tool and then leaving them behind.

Dual Cultivation God Returns

Dual Cultivation God Returns

Eastern · DaoistGreenOnion


no problems here, harem is his main thing. and he can just have a ternment. u know like that 4 months marathon su yang went on when he cultivated with 40k women. 😂

"She means that the people I would cultivate with would have to be a select group, even if it was a large one, which we could trust, and that will eventually travel with us when we leave, so that we don't have to seek out new people later"

Dual Cultivation God Returns

Dual Cultivation God Returns

Eastern · DaoistGreenOnion

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