Foolish_Outer_God - Profile



LV 4
2020-07-16 Joint India

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Yes and No, it is kind of complicated Othinus was able to crush the invisible thing. What I know from the wiki is that if Touma is not aware of his right hand being severed, this power does not appear. Conversely, as soon as he is made aware of his injury, the power will begin emerging As for those dragons there are multiple of them and I could only find few of them First Dragon: The first dragon head seen in-story, this is the dragon head that appeared after Aureolus cut off Touma's arm. It's stated to specialize in decursing and psychological attacks, even destroying the memories of those it bites without causing physical damage, which was Aureolus' fate. The effects of Aureolus Izzard's Ars Magna on Stiyl Magnus also began to be undone just after its fangs made contact with the air, which could be part of its decursing ability. Blind Dragon: A blind black darkness dragon head. Like the first dragon, this head is also stated to have powerful psychological effects, in this case the dragon is noted to cause those nearby to be overcome with terror and confusion. One-eyed Cobra Dragon: A one-eyed blue dragon head with a cobra-like hood. This dragon head is stated to be a water dragon that can summon rainstorms. Additionally, its fangs carry the undiluted concept of poison, so those it bites are either killed or subjected to a fate worse than death. Four-eyed Dragon: A green dragon head with four eyes. This dragon head is stated to possess multiple eye powers, including illusion and hypnotism powers that can blur the line between dream and reality. Additionally, it is stated to be a singer with a beautiful voice that can shatter objects, including Shadow Metal, an extremely rare metal that can sometimes be created by the clash of two powerful esper powers. Corpse Flame Dragon: An undead fire dragon covered in red flames erupting from its bones. This dragon is stated to damage things using an energy drain that apparently burns life force itself. Ice Crystal Dragon: An ice crystal dragon, it is stated to be capable of breathing ice and being as tough and solid as the planet itself. Spearhead Dragon: A yellow dragon with a large spear-like horn, it is stated to be capable of releasing lightning from its body and firing lasers from its mouth. Angel Dragon: A white angelic-looking dragon head surrounded by multiple feathered wings. The dragon head can project a light from the cross on its forehead. An object directly hit by this cross of light will be turned into salt, causing it to quickly crumble. Additionally, the feathers of its wings also possess special powers. Those stabbed with one are brainwashed as if hypnotized and turned into mindless puppets; faithfully following any orders given to them by the user. However, they are unable to think for themselves while under the effects of the feathers.

5.) Will the entities beyond the right hand (IB) be able to erase Ophis and any other supernatural beings?

DxD: The Illusion Killer

DxD: The Illusion Killer

Anime & Comics · ImmortalClown


Yes and No IB would be able to defeat them but it is not like IB is erasing the concept so they will eventually come back alive.

1.) Are Ophis and Great Red actually concepts? And if so, how was Great Red able to be killed and why did Ophis lose some of her power? Will IB be able to defeat them?

DxD: The Illusion Killer

DxD: The Illusion Killer

Anime & Comics · ImmortalClown

Replied to SkyNeves

Because I was gonna cook it

"I see. Are you saying, we can't force a fish to climb a tree?"

Hitman x Family

Hitman x Family

Anime & Comics · Livice


When Imagine Breaker used on Gabriel the archangel, Gabriel got sent back to heaven. But you do have to see that, the angels, demons and gods in the Toaru universe is fundamentally different from that of DxD. Angels and demons of the Toaru universe can't manifest themselves properly on earth because they lack physical form, that is why they need some medium or core l. In this case even if Imagine Breaker were to touch their core, it would just destroy the core and because of lack of a core, the said angel/demon would be sent back to where they came from. Because of this Imagine Breaker can't really completely affect them because their physical appearance isn't there true body neither is their core. Now what will happen if Imagine Breaker touches them directly? I don't know, but it will most likely will be a complete destruction. Why am I saying this? Because when Kazakiri Hyouka, who is an artificial angel and the conscious form of the aggregation AIM Diffusion field was subconsciously afraid of Imagine Breaker, not to mention Gabriel was also afraid of touching Touma's right hand. Also Imagine Breaker can destroy golems, golems in Toaru universe are kind of alive since they are produced using kabbalah and the blueprint that God used, to create human, but they are like very poorly built clones, that is why they never become human, though I could be wrong about them being alive, but Sherry Cromwell mentioned that humans are technically golems, only difference between human and golem is that, the God is the one who created human while, human tried to recreate what God did, and ended up with golems. So, in my opinion since DxD angels and pure devils or even yokais do not have something like core they will most likely get destroyed. As for the reincarnated one, I don't know. They will most likely will lose their power for temporary moment or the evil piece inside them gets destroyed, what will happen if evil piece gets destroyed? Will they die? Or will they get turned into a stray devil? Or maybe nothing will happen they will just become a perfectly normal human? Now what will happen Imagine Breaker touches Ophis or Great Red? Remember this that Ophis and Great Red are physical or maybe spiritual manifestations of concepts. So, obviously if Imagine Breaker touches them they get obliterated, but that doesn't mean they will actually die, yes while it is true that they will physically and spiritually be dead, that doesn't mean Imagine Breaker is killing the very concept of infinity and dream. Also I highly doubt Imagine Breaker will affect them since the concept of dream and infinity should exist in the Pure World, also there are certain things Imagine Breaker doesn't work on, for a variety of reasons, though most of them being "they are necessary for the universe to work".

What effects will IB have reincarnated devils and angels? And would it be able to fully destory sacred gears and the entities stored within them? Then what will be the effects of IB on gods and dragons like ophis or the evil dragons?

DxD: The Illusion Killer

DxD: The Illusion Killer

Anime & Comics · ImmortalClown

Replied to _Unknown_Being_

Ce paragraphe a été supprimé.
In Marvel As Dante

In Marvel As Dante

Movies · RaedaX_1

Replied to Liam_Neeson

I highly doubt this guy is even 1-c. My bet, he is at best 2-b or possibly 2-a.

Ce paragraphe a été supprimé.
In Marvel As Dante

In Marvel As Dante

Movies · RaedaX_1

Replied to Leviathan_367

Ehhh most of my acquaintance got married after 30 so don't lose hope

Either way, he'd have to apologize. That was the wisdom bequeathed to him by the Professor via passing advice. Even the highly accomplished scientist had to use a decade to properly figure out the art of talking to women. But even after all that studying, he got divorced all the same.

Marvel : A Reptilian Adventure

Marvel : A Reptilian Adventure

Anime & Comics · Marine0IQ

Replied to Illusory_Eternal

Could have been possible with other types of teleportation but his teleportation works either by compressing distance or by creating negative distance, so it is pretty much impossible to go unnoticed. Also og Gojo's teleportation have some conditions, while they didn't mention what are those conditions but I am pretty sure that Gojo just couldn't popup inside of buildings, but this is DC and author said they will adjust his power according to DC so I will let it slide.

She shook her head as she focued on her hearing, and there it was. That same familiar odd sound, like something was scraping against space and reality itself. It was a unique and distinct sound that stood out even in the vastness of Metropolis. So she immediately took off and it did not even take her more than a second to find him, standing on another building.

As Satoru Gojo in the DC Universe

As Satoru Gojo in the DC Universe

Anime & Comics · Ekisdaiou


Hmmm, multiple teleportation under few nanoseconds can probably confuse her. So if mc wants to escape from her, then he needs to learn rapid teleportation.

She shook her head as she focued on her hearing, and there it was. That same familiar odd sound, like something was scraping against space and reality itself. It was a unique and distinct sound that stood out even in the vastness of Metropolis. So she immediately took off and it did not even take her more than a second to find him, standing on another building.

As Satoru Gojo in the DC Universe

As Satoru Gojo in the DC Universe

Anime & Comics · Ekisdaiou

Replied to SynthWaveRider45



"Hm, you're doing much better now. Lasting longer against me as well." Sandra commented, as she relaxed her stance her hands falling to her side.

As Satoru Gojo in the DC Universe

As Satoru Gojo in the DC Universe

Anime & Comics · Ekisdaiou

Replied to OneArmedImmortal

Blame! by Tsutomu Nihei


Cursed Technique Reversal: Red= ??? Don't actually know what the strongest repulsive force is. I'd say a White Hole but do they have a repulsive field? As they do keep thing's from entering them.

As Satoru Gojo in the DC Universe

As Satoru Gojo in the DC Universe

Anime & Comics · Ekisdaiou

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