ngl this whole crew has been shockingly low level for a scheming bunch trying something on this scale
Level: 40
Games · Biako
still wondering why he hasn't even tired to use inspect on those chains
The corridor stretched on, its dimensions twisting unnaturally. Ludwig realized the house was far larger inside than its exterior suggested. The chains of souls, visible only to him through the Mask of the Blind Witness, wound through the air like ghostly veins, their source pulsing further ahead.
Games · Biako
true whom amongst us isn't hounded for their good looks, talent, wealth and fame xd
For now, Kain decided to stay focused on his work, pretending the outside world didn't exist.
Fantasy · KeepingSilent
same. how is this arc 17 chapters long already... at least the bea stint was fun but for something that has 0 impact on anything this reranking has been going on for way too long
Kain was pissed.
Fantasy · KeepingSilent
please for the love of god let this be the last time we have to suffer through these useless re-ranking tournaments they're so boring
Chapter 381: The Semifinals-Soren Vs Kain
Fantasy · KeepingSilent
ya just had to run yer mouth didn't ya
"Indeed it is," the captain acknowledged. "But those are just stories. The likelihood of encountering such a creature is slim."
Fantasy · unknownwriter69
ngl this shit is execution for treason territory imo
"My son has always been troublesome, but to act against me..."
Fantasy · unknownwriter69
in fairness that golem in no way fulfils the microorganisms fantasy. i still heavily dislike him. i understand why he was chosen as a tank but i dont think he really fits the theme. i just cant see how a microorganisms would evolve into a rock golem. the othere two are plausible but that damn golem makes no sense to me. i dislike the design, the skill set and he's not even a plausible part of the affinity so overall he's a gigantic let down. i really hope future contracts are more in line with being microorganisms. i also think he shouldn't get them at high grades but rather evolve them into what he needs. it would give them some "character arc". the tank golem still just seems to me like a meatshield without anything making him interesting the others, even tho none of them talk or have independent behaviors, seem more real and not just props on a movie set.
The descriptions of his contracts were surprisingly thorough, detailing Queen, Aegis, and Bea, although Kain noted with some relief that all of them didn't seem to have been identified as being microorganisms. Bea was suspected of being one, however it doesn't seem like whoever wrote this has managed to correlate a Vespid Queen or a giant golem as having anything to do with microscopic creatures.
Fantasy · KeepingSilent
realistically none of them can go there for this exact reason. so far all mentioned were part of the acadamy teams at the tournament and most of them are very prominent nobles.
He also didn't feel as though he was particularly suited for this stream due to still being a student and having a business and minor family members that could need his attention at any time.
Fantasy · KeepingSilent
if he tries to actually frontally fight instead of finding a way to disrupt the ritual ill be very disappointed in MCs intellect
[Half-Mortal] as long as the bearer is within the domain of the ritual, he cannot die. Whenever the bearer receives mortal damage, one of the bound corpses will receive the wound instead. Allowing the bearer to remain alive.
Deus Necros
Games · Biako