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All we hear is opinion, not fact. Everything we see is perspective, not truth.

2020-07-01 Joint Global
Badges 3

Moments 518
4 days ago

This is bullshit....

A simple-looking white shirt, a hooded windbreaker, trousers, and shoes.

Reborn as shield hero with Garps Template

Reborn as shield hero with Garps Template

Anime & Comics · Darkphoenix11

5 days ago

Story concept is ok, translation is good but..... needs to edit names, technique names, etc. Since it doesn't just break the narrative, but completely destroys the atmosphere... In short, translator, do not worry about the speed of moving chapters, but editing.

19 days ago

What can I say, the translator works well, everything is readable. The speed of translation updates is excellent. Further on the story: honestly, in the beginning it was interesting. But the further you go, the more it just gets monotonous, just empty. The plot at this point has no appeal, everything is clichéd to the point of banality. Regarding the character designs, you could describe them as sparse, cliched. Have no underlying zest. The protagonist showed promise, but his sadistic tendencies after a couple of times cause only irritation. I do not recommend to read this story, here you will not hit anything at the moment, just a typical Chinese fanfic. But under a beer will do.

1 months ago
Replied to itachi1010

Well, maybe I'm jumping to conclusions, but it looks like this story's gonna be all negative. Which isn't very nice. It's a shame.

1 months ago
Replied to Socksniffer

Thanks for the praise) First of all, I don't have to write correctly in a non-native language). Secondly, I responded to your comment in my direction, which you deleted, and your comment was with a note of offense and reproach in my direction. Ha, well your comment is worthless too, so what's the problem). Well dude, I don't need to get into your position, you write on a site where authors post free content, I'm a consumer of that content, I care about the stability of its updates. And like 90% of consumers, they don't give a damn what your life is like).

1 months ago
Replied to Socksniffer

Oooh, well you at least look at when you started back in mode on the story update). I first read your story 12 days ago. And you've only recently started getting into the mode. So don't take offense like a little kid)) And why should I make you?) You'll post it yourself).

1 months ago

Well, what can I say after reading all the available chapters so far. In brief: the quality of writing is good, the update rate is shit. The plot at first is interesting, here you are shown some light intrigue, a little light manipulation from the main character.... and that's it, there's nothing else. Just light political games (of low lousy quality). Unfortunately all 29 chapters are chatter, not even a bit of shonen. The character design is well written, there is a feeling of a living being, not a dummy. The protagonist is interesting at first, then becomes a bit boring (well, this is the norm for the beginning of the events). Well, about the world is chosen typical Naruto, but with changes so far not very significant. In general, the development of the story will go a long way, but most likely boring and monotonous, if the author does not begin to dilute the political games active actions. And most likely we are unlikely to get a finished story).

1 months ago

Good grammar, excellent (so far) update rate. Story concept is interesting, implementation is crap. Characters are boring, non-descript, just dummies (fillers), the main character is empty, uninteresting, totally lacking in zest, typical low tailoring issekai. There is no world elaboration in the story at this point, it's just empty. You just watch the character move from task to task without interesting plot twists, without intrigue, without overcoming the difficulty. There's a complete lack of outside perspective on the character's actions, the world doesn't live in isolation, it's just tied intentionally to the main character. In short, fanfic low tailoring, like 80% on this site. Read only if you have not found anything at all. PS: I purely do not understand why so many stones, it's a cunt and not a story, too low quality. Maybe people are already ready to eat such shit....

1 months ago

Fuck, I was expecting a serious battle. I got fucked up. Kakuzu who fought against the first hokage and managed to escape from him, a mercenary who hunted high caliber ninja and got killed as a genin. Fuck that story, it's bullshit.

1 months ago

While very boring and monotonous, all too easy at the characters, and the higher ranks of the village look morons. In short, some bullshit, but I think the author will enter the mainstream.