

LV 15
2020-06-27 Joint Global
Badges 27

Moments 193
10 hours ago

oh what is it? it's been alluded do tell

Ryu was confused once more… because his Title was certainly not Phoenix.

Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Action · Awespec

1 months ago

I love how omnious this is.

1 months ago
Replied to DaoistRF8qcr

when he named an ability while inside his inner world fully, heavens didn't like it but the lightning was weak not too long ago

The moment Ryu had this thought, he felt as though a crimson bolt of lightning had struck him in the head. 

Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Action · Awespec

1 months ago
Replied to DaoistRF8qcr

it's happened before from the heavens who can say that it can't happen from karma? not to mention he was looking into his inner world doesn't mean his body was there

The moment Ryu had this thought, he felt as though a crimson bolt of lightning had struck him in the head. 

Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Action · Awespec

12 months ago
Replied to Little_Sparrow_2490


In truth, he had come here for two reasons. The first was to touch base and make sure that everything was running smoothly, while the second was to give the Umbra family the Bronze and Silver Tablets of the Dark half of their Lineage Factor. 

Dimensional Descent

Dimensional Descent

Fantasy · Awespec

12 months ago

When I started reading this book I was expecting alot coming from one of the author's other works. My expectations were exceeded by a large margin when reading DD. Overall the world and the way the author pulls you through Leonels thought process keeps you on the edge of your seat. As Leonel grows throughout the world and becomes stronger you feel and you see the world expanding around him and the design of it all really captivates you. Though to be honest I prefer Ryu's determination over Leonel's casual attitude. It is overall amazing how two different spectrums of books and main charcters are written by the same person.Overall I highly recommend DD and will most likely go on to read a 3rd of awespecs books.

12 months ago

Overall this is a fantastic book. The author really develops the main charcter, Ryu quite well where you feel the passion that Ryu feels in each encounter. Awespec did such a good job with this one I ended up reading Dimensional decent to find out if this book was just awspecs best or if he's a great author on other works too and he is. Both GAB and DD will leave you waiting for more to be released with anticipation. I recommend reading about Ryu's adventures to everyone.

12 months ago
Replied to Jacob_McKnight

you do realize that many authors only release at MAX 2 chapters a day in fact DD gets more chapters released in a day in some of his other books take what you get and don't complain whining about it on here just shows how entitled you are

1 years ago

since when does he have the silver of the dark half? I thought he only had the silver of the light

In truth, he had come here for two reasons. The first was to touch base and make sure that everything was running smoothly, while the second was to give the Umbra family the Bronze and Silver Tablets of the Dark half of their Lineage Factor. 

Dimensional Descent

Dimensional Descent

Fantasy · Awespec

1 years ago

are sure it's dimensions and not your cleanse technique would also explain why you can use force and others cant

Leonel was no longer the ignorant pup he had been in the beginning. After reading so many books from the Void Library, his knowledge foundation was far too solid. This was why he knew that in the history of the Human Domain, no one had ever called the Dimensions "Stars".

Dimensional Descent

Dimensional Descent

Fantasy · Awespec