

LV 15
2020-06-25 Joint Global
Badges 17

Moments 54
1 days ago

if you end upadding the clone army for some variant clone wars ( maybe against Thanos?) it would be greatto see the bad batch join the guardians of the galaxy

2 days ago

why do I get the feeling the mc is gonna take the infinity stones and turn them into lightsabers? it would be the most baller move a nerd could pull in a world of both marvel and star wars.... oh what's that? you've got a light saber? look at my collect of infinity sabers. get gud scrub

As Yoda resumed his meditation, he pondered the significance of this unprecedented event. The force, like an intricate tapestry, revealed threads of destiny intertwining across the galaxies. He hoped that the council's collective wisdom would unravel the mystery behind the cosmic disturbance that echoed through the force.

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

Movies · AlienWarlord

2 days ago
Replied to Shadow_D_Monarch3

i see your point, but maybe put your Doc Ock arc on hold? after all at the rate his storyline is going he's improving at an absurd rate. Reed Richards is the "smartest man" but if you complete the doc ock arctoo quickly (in the next month how quick it's going) then you'll have to explain how he could possibly build an army, make enough money to complete his research, actually DO the research, and lastly how he could possibly hide it all from Spider-Man. I mean yeah doc ock is brilliant and such, but most of the time his acheivements are based on his life's work and then spiraling outof control. if he can do all of the above he might as well have just cured himself and never become evil

A/N: So recently I went through the chapters to see where I am with in the timeline... we're in May... Peter and Gwen have been Heroes for 4 months and a few weeks. While the others have been a hero for only a month.

Spider-Man Mayhem

Spider-Man Mayhem

Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3

2 days ago
Replied to LeoZodian

your main story doesn't really seem to be killing important characters so you can use the HYDRA universe to showthe deaths of many beloved heroes and friends

Aunt May smiled. "I know, but you seem to have forgotten, he isn't alone in this. He has friends that are just as amazing as him to help him and watch his back. Not to mention he'll have us to come back to when he gets tired of everything and needs time to rest."

Spider-Man Mayhem

Spider-Man Mayhem

Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3

2 days ago

there's a story arc where in an alternate universe HYDRA conquered the world, it'd be kinda cool to see Spider-Man stranded there alone, seeing the consequences of losing and snapping from the tsress and trauma of seeing the good people suffering to HYDRA rule, withnobody he trusts to stop him from going too far and wiping out HYDRA before going home and needing some sort of mental health care for heroes

Aunt May smiled. "I know, but you seem to have forgotten, he isn't alone in this. He has friends that are just as amazing as him to help him and watch his back. Not to mention he'll have us to come back to when he gets tired of everything and needs time to rest."

Spider-Man Mayhem

Spider-Man Mayhem

Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3

12 days ago
Replied to Mimi729

i just want to see how loki grows from the experience of coming across the purple man? David Tennant did such a good job in that role. will Loki finally experience what its like when the shoe is on the other foot?

'Now, who should I impersonate for this heist?' Peter thought as a lightbulb goes off in his head. 'Hm, that's a good of idea...'

I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Movies · AlienWarlord

14 days ago
Replied to Shadow_D_Monarch3

maybe a Vision (J.A.R.V.I.S.) vs Kuroguri (jarvis) in the future?

Kurogiri sighed. "All Might hasn't even arrived, and most of our forces are done for. I guess it's time to abort. Let's get the young master."

I Am Ironman (MHA)

I Am Ironman (MHA)

Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3

15 days ago

ye, we got some yuyu hakusho over here lol

"[Bullet Magic: Finger Pistol]." Alzack chanted as two compressed bullets of magic power were fired from the tips of his fingers, forcing Alfonzo to evade. Still, he was moving too fast for the crowd to see with their eyes. 

Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads

Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads

Anime & Comics · SixthSense1029

15 days ago

if Kirito from Sao is in this world would his soul armament spirit be Akihiko Kayaba? he always shows up to pep talk him into not being a wuss lol

 Meanwhile, Alfonzo and Bedlam could only smile wryly. Both of them had asked Riot to let them do the talking, knowing his explosive temper. And to their surprise, Riot had agreed. However, neither of them were naïve enough to think that was not a temporary agreement. They were only hoping that they could come to an agreement with Kurama before Riot lost it.

Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads

Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads

Anime & Comics · SixthSense1029

16 days ago

if you want to add static shock you could probably do so through MHA, they don't really go to into the schools too much so you can maybe make an Ishgar Academy or something and just add characters from similar series or not. and if you dont want to focus too much on other academy series it can be limited to another acadmey games arc or something