It’s the authors choice not yours, go read one where the MC isn’t a peasant if it hurts you that bad.
"This place... this is an island," Aeron whispered to himself, his heart pounding as he turned his gaze back towards the stronghold "I need to look around for a banner or something to figure out which island this is."
Anime & Comics · FrenzyAren
Favorite rock type Ngl
"Go, Golem!"
Anime & Comics · iamxeno
I am withholding judgment until the 10-15 mark. Not saying it’s bad, but it needed the rewrite. That being said, so far it’s been great but I’m staying realistically optimistic.
Anyway as promised here's your bonus chapter for this week. Fair warning it might be a bit cringe. But what do you guys think about the rewrite so far? I'd love to hear yall's opinions. Enjoy the chapter!
TV · TheEndlessAbyss
Didn’t he just have 4000? 4000-3200 = 800 or did I miss something?
It was destroyed 2 paragraphs ago
"I think not. Due to my D/D/D Super Doom King Dark Armageddon ability, Pendulum monsters can't be destroyed by battle."
Anime & Comics · DuelKing
I’m still looking. For what you ask? For the person that asked
The idea of deceiving others, making them believe he was someone entirely different, held a certain allure. But that didn't make waking up any easier. And worse yet, having to act like he belonged to the opposite gender all day long. It was Monday morning, and Luke cursed the very existence of school weeks under his breath.
TV · Nathe07
Have you read the parts about needing a cover up for having the unlimited money so no one starts asking questions? If not reread the previous chapters please.
I gripped the edge of my desk, my heart racing. "Thank you, Ms. Harper. That means a lot."
TV · UnknownMaster
This paragraph makes no sense…more or less saying: “We will crush them with ease and THEN we’ll admit your school is good at pendulum summoning.” What???
"I mean if you really want to test out which school is better then bring it on. Bring out your best students and we will crush them with ease. Only then will I accept that your school can bring the best in pendulum summoning." I challenged the women.
Anime & Comics · DuelKing
Writing is genuinely the only thing wrong with the story at this point. If the author uses grammarly or spell check of any kind it’ll be perfect. Some ‘’ and “ “ marks are used wrong but I’d refer to what I said before and then it’s fine. Other than that the story is set up to do amazing.
Always practice the turtle hermit way 🙏
Gonna take 1 day off. Too tired after 26 days of nonstop writing and over 30 chs uploaded. So, yeah. See ya all tomorrow.
2 Broke Girls x 1 Rich Man [TV series 2 Broke Girls ff]
TV · UnknownMaster