Leyden_Kieck - Profile



male LV 2
2020-06-10 Joint South Africa

Badges 4

Moments 8


why didnt he just go to a library, I'm sure it would have books about the body

The first spell Oz wanted to create and learn was a spell he thought up when thinking about how magic travels throughout the body. Using his memories of eastern novels he'd read alone at home in his previous life, he thought of the possibility of using magic to augment his strength and reflexes in moments of desperation. To understand how to fully use this kind of spell though, he'd need extensive knowledge about a humans body, which wasn't in any of the books the Lovegood's had handed to him. As a matter of fact, Hogwarts books on the matter had the possibility of being outdated compared to the books in the modern world due to leaps with technology. Oz planned on popping into a book shop nearby before his trip to Diagon Alley with Mcgonagall, hoping to buy a book on the subject with some of the funds he had gathered from his pickpocketing venture way back when.

The Wizard called Oz - HP

The Wizard called Oz - HP

Movies · BoiGeorge


there are to guys in Greek mythology that can control time. The main one at the start of the universe was Cronus the PRIMORDIAL GOD OF TIME!!!, Then there is the other one who is KRONOS THE GOD OF TIME, he is the son of ouranos and Gaia

However, one Titan was bold enough to stand up against Him, and his name is Cronus. He lay in wait for his father and wounded him terribly until he disappeared. The Giants, the fourth race of monsters, sprang from his blood. From the same source, the Erinyes or the Furies were born. Gaia then fell into a deep slumber.

The Son of Time and the Olympians

The Son of Time and the Olympians

Fantasy · mssuigeneris


what is a hindrance test?

-Like every self-respecting transmigrator coming in this situation do, abuse the shit out of the situation. We need to go to Diagon Alley, see the goblins to ask if they have any of those hindrance tests and see the picture, with enough chance and how inbred and dumb those animals are, the Potter is sure to have more than a line in them. With the last war, the chance is that some dead houses are for the claim, this way you can make some money out of Gringott without the old coot knowing anything.-

Trinity: omniverse traveling cat (hiatus)

Trinity: omniverse traveling cat (hiatus)

Fantasy · Linrim


Please carry on with story, it is really good, awesome job so far with the story

Ce chapitre a été supprimé.
Darker Magics

Darker Magics

Book&Literature · Goldenking


where did he learn how to apparate

Then after getting permission from my mother, I went out and apparated to a secluded place with the help of Blaze the phoenix. Of course I would fly.

In Wizarding World With Wishes

In Wizarding World With Wishes

Book&Literature · Being_Humble


Please post a chapter soon, been waiting for one month.

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