Rosalie can’t sleep, her kind of vampire don’t sleep
After a while, they both close their eyes and fall into a deep sleep in each other's embrace with a smile on their faces.
Movies · sleepy_aurthor
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Movies · confused4you
The ****
Its a fanfic I was thinking more of the line of kenichi The mightiest desciple
"Awesome well first off I would like to keep the green eyes but can you make em a bit more vibrant so if someone looks right into my eyes they would see the most beautiful color green they'd ever see. My body well I'd like to have a perfect body for fighting so instead of useless muscles I want all my muscles to be pink muscle which has both the strength and endurance I would need for battle. Lastly my face I would like to be beyond handsome, and I'd like for you to choose how I'd look." He finished saying
Movies · Oscar_Rangel_2766
That’s my pups name
Ce chapitre a été supprimé.
Anime & Comics · Jovami6729
Ce chapitre a été supprimé.
Anime & Comics · GhonSensei
Hey guys the author here ive been trying to upload a chapter for the past few hours and For some reason its not letting me so give Me a few more hours if not days go get this Issue fixed
This is getting old real quick
New And Improved Harry Potter
Book&Literature · Earthly_Writer