BigIron - Profile



male LV 3

an anarcho-weeb who loves yuri

2020-04-25 Joint United States

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Moments 381

Replied to littleangeleye03

Broad sort of just means "woman" but with (in my opinion) a more negative connotation. to some people broad might have no connotation.

Once she walked away, Kanako slipped back into thought. "...What was that?" she wondered. The nerves she had felt just seconds before had disappeared, but there was no forgetting the pleading wish that Kanako had felt inside of her that had so badly wanted Haruna by her side at that moment. She was confused. After thinking about Akio so much and her feelings for him, it seemed like it would've made more sense for her to think of his name in times of trouble. "...but instead, I thought of Haruna," Kanako thought. "What... does that mean?"

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they all left you behind because you're not changing.

"Just shut up!" Michi screamed, wrenching her wrist free. "Shut up, shut up! I know I'm right! Look around me! Everyone in my life, every friend I made, are all leaving me behind just because they're changing! They didn't care if my feelings got ignored or hurt, so why should I?! Before this past year, everything was fine, and then things changed! Even when it looked like I could at least count on Chiyo, now that's gone too! I just keep losing things, so why is it so wrong for me to hope for the past?!"

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LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr


its your gayness kicking in.

In a way, that made Michi happy. Someone in her life was finally there for her. Not just to be her friend, but to be someone she was close with. Michi felt like she could share things with Chiyo she wouldn't with other people. She felt like she could let her guard down, if only a bit, even with her constant teasing. There was something about the gal that was comfortable to Michi, and it was in that comfort that Michi felt… safe.

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LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr


she has a case of the gay.

Not being a fast runner, Kanako knew she probably could've caught Michi, but her confusion prevented it. With no time to react, Michi was out of sight before Kanako could get to the street. "Why…?" she voiced. "What happened?" "I have no idea…" Haruna said, having followed Kanako outside. "What's wrong Mi-chan?" Kanako asked, expecting no answer.

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LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr


somethings wrong with you.

With bitterness abounding, Michi hatched a plan. "I'll get her to show her true colors. If I can get Kana-chan to leave, then Endo-san will probably be the brute I know she is, and Kana-chan will come back and see that. Then maybe she'll see what I've been trying to tell her!"

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LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr


sometimes i forget that they were at each others throats at one point.

Much of her friendship with Michi had formed through Kanako being comforted after attacks from Haruna. Naturally, there was no good way to say that. "She…" Kanako began. "Would make me feel better… a-after I had fought with you…"

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worst possible outcome any% speed run.

Unfortunately, the sheer stubbornness of Michi Fukuhara was engrained even deeper into her. It would be ridiculous to deny Chiyo's importance to Michi. However, that was exactly what she was planning on doing. Even if it hurt Michi, she was sure that pretending that bond wasn't as important as it was would be for the best. "I said I'd protect her," Michi muttered to herself. "So if our relationship is going the way it looks like… then it's the best for both of us if I put some distance between us."

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And yet… for some reason, Michi felt a pang of loneliness at the thought of spending less time with Chiyo. "Why…?" Michi thought. "I don't want to be around her anyways… So why…?" If she didn't want Chiyo around, that should at least bring relief, so why did her heart feel like it hurt at the thought of keeping her distance? The answer, of course, was simple.

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If Michi was beginning to indulge, even a little, in the idea of having any sort of intimate involvement with Chiyo, then perhaps it was time for her to really put her foot down with the gal. She had rolled over so easily time and time again, but if their relationship was trending in the direction Michi least desired, then she would have no more of it. She would make sure to keep Chiyo at an arms-length and find some way to enforce it. "That's what I have to do," Michi thought. "I need to stop letting her push me into things."

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Michi thought about that for a second, but only a second. Quickly, she shook her head. "No," she thought resolutely. "There's no way I'd have any interest in locking lips with that bimbo. No way in hell." Thinking a little more, Michi came to another conclusion. "Maybe… it would be best to start putting some distance between Chiyo and me."

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LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr


i have a feeling if they did kiss, michi wouldn't hate it as much as she thinks she does.

Even just the thought of it brought a new flood of emotions. "Argh! What if something had happened?! What if an earthquake had happened and I fell forward?! We would've kissed! That would've been disgusting! Who knows how many lips that mouth of hers has touched? Like I'm going to be the next one on the list! And I definitely don't wanna be either, especially because Chiyo's another girl!"

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LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr


that was you and chiyo being gay.

"What was that?" she screamed internally. "What was that? What was that? What was that?!" It was all she could manage to think. The physical distance (or lack thereof) between her and Chiyo had simply been too much for Michi to comprehend. Sure, they had been close before, but this time was clearly different.

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"Is there… a chance? Or not…?" Chiyo muttered to herself. She had no idea anymore. At first, she thought she had known the answer, but recent developments had begun to shake that answer apart. Now, the gal felt as if maybe, just maybe, her feelings weren't as unrequited as she had thought.

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LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr


Thanks for the chapter!

ch 113 Chapter Two: No Matter What, I'll Protect Her

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LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr


michi really out here protecting her gf.

"Well look at that," Chitose said quietly, almost in awe of Michi. Behind her, her father fumed and her mother seemed to be reaching her breaking point. "I won't let you come here and torture her with your stupid assumptions or your dumb beliefs," Michi continued. "And any time you try, I'll be here. Because, no matter what, I'll protect her."

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LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr


you were tryna kiss your gf.

A voice shouted from the hallway. "Chitose, we just want to talk with you!" her father said. It sounded as if they were beginning to make their way through the house, coming nearer to Chiyo's room. "What's going on?" Michi wondered, but only for a moment. Then, she realized just how close she was to Chiyo. Eyes going wide, Michi bolted away from the gal, a hand clamped over her mouth. "W-W-What the hell was I trying to do?!" she shrieked internally.

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LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr


I cant wait for kanako and haruna to shatter that belief.

Girls didn't fall in love with other girls. That was one of the things Michi believed steadfastly. It wasn't out of religious following or some sort of parental influence. It was just simply what she had chosen to think. To Michi, a girl loving another girl just didn't make sense. If someone asked her to explain how it didn't make sense though, she would probably fail to give a good explanation.

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LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr


whipped before even becoming gf's.

"...Alright. I'll see you Tuesday," Michi said, eventually giving her consent. "Later." "See ya!" Chiyo said, waving enthusiastically. As Michi walked away, she cursed at herself a bit for yet again bending to the gal's whims so easily. "Why does this keep happening?" she wondered. It seemed like every time Chiyo asked, she was destined to give the okay. "I just hope she never asks for anything weird."

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LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr


Thanks for the chapter!

ch 112 Chapter One: We're Third-Years Now

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LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr


now that kanako and haruna are dating everyone else will too. my guess for the pairings is chiyo and michi(obviously), and istuki, mayu ,and jasmine as a poly relationship maybe? or itsuki and jasmine just stay friends. either way i think jasmine is going for mayu.

"I-It would be nice if our third year wasn't as dramatic as our second year…" Kanako said. "Yeah, I agree," Haruna said. "I just want to be able to enjoy this year, the rest of high school, and my time with you." "I-I feel the same," Kanako said, smiling bashfully.

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