

LV 4
2020-04-16 Joint United States
Badges 5

Moments 4768
2 days ago

Lemme guess, a sack of cockroach clusters

"Much kinder than some professors, right?" Fred whispered to George, making them snicker as they rushed to devour their hard-earned treats.

Professor Dracula at Hogwarts

Professor Dracula at Hogwarts

Book&Literature · Light_lord

3 days ago

Best part is he can make every piece of meat be gristle free with the perfect texture and fat

First up though were the Bugbears that were lumbering at me with tongues out and long rivulets of saliva coming from their mouths. I simply leapt up above their heads and swung the blunt end of my weapon right on the top of the first ones noggin braining it in an instant. The body collapsed like a puppet with it's strings cut and the momentum dragged it through the dirt. The other followed suit shortly after as did the boar that I wasted no time at all refining the flesh and fat of to get it to drop.

Danmachi-Hell's forge

Danmachi-Hell's forge

Anime & Comics · loskro

3 days ago

He could probably get the dying thing, and turn its body into a bottle for its own poison, and the stinger the cork

Standard practice is to cut off the thorax that they store and produce it from before crushing the heads and milking the venom from the stinger. As the monsters were literally giant fucking hornets(stuff of nightmares) they were not easy to hit so precisely unless trapped first, typically with a net. Me though? I was casually bottling the stuff weeping out of the wounds they gave me before closing the wounds themselves. I was literally the single most annoying type of enemy for creatures like this that rely on their poison and strong piercing ability and speed to hunt.-

Danmachi-Hell's forge

Danmachi-Hell's forge

Anime & Comics · loskro

3 days ago

Good point! We could just torture her and maybe then she’d tell us! Tohru! You know what to do!

But annoyance to both of us someone spoke up, "Wait!! Sakai, Nagumo don't kill her."

My accidental isekai life as a Plunderer

My accidental isekai life as a Plunderer

Anime & Comics · RoneGreninja

3 days ago


Rihito trapped between two girls didn't know how to get out of this situation. But lucky for him there was someone present who had enough of this Sharad.

My accidental isekai life as a Plunderer

My accidental isekai life as a Plunderer

Anime & Comics · RoneGreninja

3 days ago

The words “proportional response” coming out of the mouth of an American is never good… especially so since MC is a Texan where there’s a stereotype that “bigger is better”

I smiled. I have a plan. More like an idea or concept for what we are going to accomplish. "The plan is very simple, Benimaru. We are going to deliver a... proportional response to Clayman's attack on us.". 

The Time I Reincarnated as the King of Knights?!

The Time I Reincarnated as the King of Knights?!

Anime & Comics · BeIi4l

3 days ago

Probably quadruple digits

3 days ago

I’m happy that Snape will be happier… he wasn’t the best person in canon, clinging to the past and stewing in his self hate and vitriol… now he can be happy, and whether or not Harry’s parents still die is unknown, but perhaps Snape can be an uncle or a godfather to Harry Because I presume to an extent even James’s prejudice will fade

4 days ago

Ooh… would this count as dragons blood for his evolution?

[Chimera], [Underground Monster], [Dragon's Lineage], [Molting]

So I'm a Snake, Who Cares?

So I'm a Snake, Who Cares?

Fantasy · LIQN

4 days ago

Yeeaaah! A cool storage tail ring

Subspace storage magic. Other functions are sealed.

So I'm a Snake, Who Cares?

So I'm a Snake, Who Cares?

Fantasy · LIQN