This should also be Steig, no?
The Red Scale Conquerors were his sharp dagger, and Gelrazax, having received multiple Bloodline Gifts, possessed strength comparable to a True Dragon, more than enough to handle the Abyssal Drakes.
Games · Head to the dock and grab some steamed buns.
This should be Steig, no?
Cassius lay coiled on his throne, watching Gelrazax stand atop the head of the Abyssal Drake leader, howling victoriously towards the sky, and calmly assessed.
Games · Head to the dock and grab some steamed buns.
Binged up to here in one go on my 24 hour free day. Can't wait to see how the story progresses from here on!
should be CIC?
"Affirmative, I will be heading to the Combat Information Center," Charlotte responded and saluted the fleet admiral before taking her leave to the COC.
Fantasy · Mister_Archon
I am leaving a comment because I seem to be the first to do so! I enjoyed the book, even if this ending seems a little incomplete. Thank you for the two years of daily reading author!
Ah, the fifth. Such a lovely place to be. I mean, the acid isn't all that enjoyable, but what this stratum lacks in good atmosphere, it makes up for with hospitality.
Fantasy · RinoZ
Thanks for the stories!
Whenever I see the little red dot notifying me of new chapters for this book, I instantly smile. Great story as always!
Thanks for the big drop!
Ooooh boy, here we go!
Fantasy · RinoZ