snu snu?
Although the word "delicate" was used to describe this female Orc, that was only in comparison to the male Orcs, as her eight foot height was no joke, let alone the tight, toned muscles that lay ahead. shows between her armor.
Movies · NunuXD
Familiar Ranch (!)]
Book&Literature · dvelasquez
[Congratulations! Fuck you J.K.! Main Chain Quest has been updated! The hatchling that would originally be lost in the background, has been brought to the light. You've induced a new mutation into Norberta while providing some of your magic in the form of a spell during the hatching process, further magic was imbued into the small dragon while your magically shielded hands touched the egg. What changes are to come can only be unveiled over time. If the flap of a butterfly's wings in the Amazo can cause a tornado in Texas, what can the flap of a dragon's wing cause?]
Book&Literature · dvelasquez
"Kokabiel" The Presence simmered around me, still much too weak to properly manifest, but at a better point than the last time we spoke. "You have corrupted your purpose." It enveloped my words, enhanced them as it aligned with my intent.
Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
"I can't believe I didn't see it before. Of course, my biggest rival for Sasuke was Naruto all along." Sakura said.
Anime & Comics · Ultimatedaywriter
noooo batman
I was going to say something witty, but my words died in my mouth once a utterly massive tentacle broke through the surface of the lake as it moved towards the overboard kids.
Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
I had a thought, the corners of my lips curling up. "Thorum, my friend." I slapped his shoulder, leaning in. "I'm going to teach you a magic word from my culture."
Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
oh no
The core was starting to have a consciousness of its own.
Anime & Comics · Ghost_84
well bye akeno you will not exist in this timeline
"Let's dance, shall we?" Achilles asked, already assuming a fighting stance.
Anime & Comics · Ghost_84
"I know." Wilhelm reluctantly acknowledged and agreed in his heart. "I'm just scared for you, my little spider." He placed a kiss on her forehead.
A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne