

male LV 14

I like to read stories of a person Leveling up and recarnation

2020-03-26 Joint United States
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Moments 74
7 months ago

Author has drop this story however I still think of it everyday. It was great while it lasted.

1 years ago

This is what people call average taste, only the real ones would understand that kumo desu ka! Nani wa?! is superior.

A major part of life he spent reading isekai novels and even watching some of the isekai animes. The Slime OP anime was his favourite among that genre, but never in his life did he expect that he would be one of them.

Journey to the One Piece

Journey to the One Piece

Anime & Comics · thelightedghost

1 years ago

I would like to see some monster hunter or even the witcher.

And as this Arc ends, I wonder, what do you think will be his next Class?

Zero Fate against the world (Old Version)

Zero Fate against the world (Old Version)

Video Games · Abadom

2 years ago

Name: Explosive Point Spearman Mech Design spirit: Zeigra Offense 3 Defense 2 Mobility 3 Utility 2 Explosive Point is a spearman mech that uses a variety of quick custom spears to inflict the most damage according to the situation. During one of the next design meetings dulo brings up the point of the army lacking better use of high concentration damage without the use of cannon mechs or lancer mech so he brings forth his own point. The spearman mech focuses on piercing attack to make the most use of its explosive attacks. With an above average mobility it is able to move around knight mechs and slowly whittle down the defense with its huge power. Its mobility also allows it to keep up with other offensive mechs and use its average armor to tank a single hit and get another good shot that can cripple enemy mech. This mech carries 2 spear shafts stored at the back with as much as 4 spear heads also stored at the back. The mech embodies feline nature of Zeigra, Sensing movement of enemy mech pilots is now easier and he embodies Zeigra aggression in hopes to do fatal damage to enemy mechs. The mech can equip custom made spears by attaching the head of the spear to the shaft during a small break in battle- this is an instant process due to how the spear is made, a button and a lever that locks the two parts, but it possible for a strong hit to remove the head from the shaft Explosive Head- The explosive head is the mech signature spear head because of the amount of damage it does when shoveled inside the internals of the mech. If the spear head is inside an opposing mech it can be quickly detached from the shaft of the spear so that the mech pilot can quickly run away and attach another spear head while the enemy mech deals with the explosion that just happened. Second use, if the mech goes against a light mech it can premetory explode the head near the light mech to hopefully damage the opposing mech but expect the shaft of the spear being greatly damaged. (single use head and shaft if prementory exploded. Solid head: Ahlspiess head; This is the regular head of the mech best used to fight enemy mechs, the head can be used for both slashing and stabbing damage. (The size of the human version head was about 99 centimeters according to google- the average size of most spears only are about 60 centimeters) because of its long head it was especially difficult for attacks to hit the shaft of the spear. Vougle head; This head is best used for slashing attacks. Can be used for stabbing but would not do the most damage. The vougle were heavy on average head that can be used somewhat like a long ax. Spetum Head; This head is best used for stabbing attacks. Because of the two defensive heads at the sides it is able to keep others weapons at bay and if the attacks succeed big pierce damage would be done Boar Head; This is the best spear used for fighting and hunting aliens and other large beasts because it has a chance to cause bleeding. (this is a hunting spear people use, and while most individuals throw this weapon at their prey it is also good for stabbing. (had to spend 2 hours researching this.) Laser head- This head will use a powered laser spear that will look like an Ahlspiess head to inflict laser damage if the opposing mech is more weak towards laser damage- The laser head will have a battery that lasts between 5 to 30 minutes- depending on the heat used. (resubmit) total score of 39 last time

2 years ago

This story was definitely a hidden gem for me- I always seen this story but I ignore it due to personal bias- that was a mistake and when I finally had the courage to read this story I was 100 percent please on how well done the characters and world thats this story brought to me.

2 years ago
Replied to Azrail93

Yeah the idea of there being no problem is fair enough on the realistic scales, and I have said that you clearly stated that this was how the story would play out. I already stated what I thought of the story and even though I gave it 3.8 stars it more of a 4.2 star story, I just had a slight misconception of the main character.

2 years ago

(chapter 120 at the review of the story) It the best pokemon fanfiction I have ever read to date, there is an amazing world and the pokemon system is ingenious. Like damn potential and stage level is a good way to characterize a good power system. It also in some small way stays loyal with the original games- even though I would make a few changes here and there. However every story have a few downfalls. One thing that keeps on annoying me is the lack of personal problems. I know the arthur has addressed and hinted that the characters will have such a smooth journey, even so I still feel that it is a little lack luster. The main character reason for getting stronger is a mystery and his goals never have true weight. Yes I understand the main character loves pokemon and desires to catch a legendary pokemon but that's it? I personally don't think he has strong motivation and the only reason he MIGHT reach the top because of talent and some plot armor.

2 years ago

you might want to fix the chapter number... no pressure

2 years ago

thanks for the double update did not think it was possible

2 years ago

thanks for the chapter!!! I was expecting a chapter tomorrow so this made my day!