

LV 2

Avid fanfic reader, history buff, and procrastinator.

2020-03-21 Joint Hong Kong SAR China
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11 months ago

Get rest and feel better soon!

1 years ago
Replied to monzes_maron

They are no longer wealthy but they still have Targaryen blood in their veins and live near the capital. Think it would be interesting if their family has a chance to play a bigger role in the great game.

1 years ago
Replied to monzes_maron

Thanks for your support!

1 years ago

not gone down *Hogsmeade

Occasionally Willa will send Mary a worried look. Willa had not gone down to Hogwarts like Mary and instead had opted to stay behind at Hogwarts to play quidditch with Thomas and other quidditch house team players. It had been a warm day with the perfect weather. One last match and far more exciting than Hogsmeade, but oh how very wrong they had been.

A Bend in Time

A Bend in Time

Book&Literature · EsliEsma

1 years ago

So that was another Hydra vessel that died.

Rowan did not know Davey Gudgeon very well, a sixth-year Ravenclaw. However, she knew he had nearly lost his eye in a dare to touch the whomping willow. A bit strange with bangs that covered his eyes but nothing abnormal for a Ravenclaw.

A Bend in Time

A Bend in Time

Book&Literature · EsliEsma

1 years ago

Actually, I am always a bit confused how Maxwell Zheng is a descendant of Zheng He - isn't Zheng He a eunuch lol

The last to arrive is Maxwell Zheng, a wizard with almond-shaped eyes, dark hair, and thin lips. (A proud descendant of a famous Chinese explorer). His friend, a wizard with clear eyes and wiry, trimmed hair, Leif Amundsen (also a descendent of a famous Norwegian explorer) knowingly grins at him. Maxwell Zheng barely refrains from rolling his eyes and murmurs his apologies something about letting the Kneazle out of the house and having to coax it back inside.

A Bend in Time

A Bend in Time

Book&Literature · EsliEsma

2 years ago

I thought Cho was Chinese. Joon is more of a Korean name.

Only a few students respond back and among those is Joon Chang, a short, dark-haired Ravenclaw in his 7th year, (and the future father of Cho Chang). Although the largest surprise came from Rowan, who rose to her feet and bowed in a traditional Japanese feminine bow by clasping her hands in front with her eyes down. Her bow was deeper at the waist in a sign of respect to Mr. Sato.

A Bend in Time

A Bend in Time

Book&Literature · EsliEsma

2 years ago
Replied to kessu91

The water was not cast on Fred but on Simon himself ("dousing himself...with water") so he would not get burned when he pushes Fred away from the flames.

2 years ago

Can't believe we got kau cim in a HP fanfic. Thanks for the diversity you bring to the fanfic genre!

2 years ago

But since basically everyone in the world are connected in some way with each other because that's how ancestry works, won't it make it near impossible to murder anyone in the magical world??? Because there's a strong chance they are related and there is a taboo bound by magic?

It can be clearly explained that when Lily sacrificed herself, the magic did begin to react in such a manner since she was kin. Even more so, when Voldemort clearly went to attack Harry. It was the ancient magic written into the very magic of Voldemort that prevented him from fulfilling the forbidden taboo. It is rather an act of the utmost causticness.

A Bend in Time

A Bend in Time

Book&Literature · EsliEsma

  • Legacy of Frost and Flame: The House of Everwinter original

    Legacy of Frost and Flame: The House of Everwinter

    Book&Literature GAME OF THRONES ASOIAF

    House Everwinter, an ancient noble house in the far reaches of the North, was once renowned for its mastery of ice and fire magic. However, over the past few centuries, their magical abilities have dwindled, leaving them without the supernatural advantage they once possessed. Lady Valeria Everwinter, the head of House Everwinter, is determined to restore her family's former glory and secure their place in the power struggles of Westeros. Her children, Ser Eldric and Lady Lyanna Everwinter, bear the weight of this legacy. Ser Eldric, a skilled warrior, becomes a key player in the political intrigues of the realm, using his strategic mind and martial prowess to advance House Everwinter's interests. Meanwhile, Lady Lyanna discovers that she possesses latent magical abilities that have reawakened in her bloodline. Her emerging powers become a source of both hope and concern within the family. Lady Valeria, haunted by the past and longing to reclaim her family's lost magic, sees in Lyanna the potential to restore their heritage. However, Lyanna's powers also attract the attention of those who wish to exploit her abilities for their own gain. As House Everwinter navigates the treacherous waters of the Game of Thrones, they must grapple with their diminished magical heritage and the implications of Lyanna's powers. They face rival houses, courtly intrigue, and the ever-present threat of the White Walkers, who loom beyond the Wall.

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    Reborn as the older brother of side character from the Golden Trio's year (Ravenclaw Sue Li), Simon Li begins his life in a wizarding world much wider than the one portrayed in the Harry Potter Series, while fully aware of the turbulent times to come. Will Simon be able to combat the rise of Voldemort as well as new challenges and issues unique to his own journey?

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