Webnovel Author: BleachedKage5x0 - Fanfic Collection



male LV 13
2020-03-13 Joint Global

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Moments 744


This wall of text is hard to read


He continued through the rooms until he reached a large hall, where there was a large wolf dozing in the center of it. "So this is the final room with the boss..." He thought as he read the dungeon instruction before using the key, he knew he needed to defeat this creature before leaving this place. After preparing himself by tightening his dagger and wand in each hand, he started by casting a bombard spell, a spell that flew straight at the wolf, waking it up with the explosion and burning its body. The wolf woke up in pain, surprised and growling, it looked at Snape at the entrance and leaped towards his attacker. Snape didn't waste time, he moved in a spinning motion with the dagger in his hand and cast another bombard spell, charging at the wolf, which dodged the attack and ran towards the small wizard. Snape, seeing it coming, ran against the wolf and threw himself on the ground, passing through the wolf's fangs as he skidded sliding quickly on the ground, grabbing a fur under the wolf, he spun his dagger and sliced its belly, while the wolf howled in pain. Snape and the wolf moved away from each other, staring at each other the next moment. The wolf, wounded, growled and opening its mouth, Snape was surprised when it accumulated from the mouth and launched a lightning bolt in his direction. Snape, still surprised, quickly used a protective spell, but a bit late, which made him be thrown back by the impact with his shield breaking. He fell a bit far, but his body withstood the impact after all his training. He got up quickly, before the wolf could get closer to deliver the final blow. He sliced the wolf's leg with the dagger and cast a bombard spell on its head, making the wolf fly a few meters and fall in pain. The wolf, still not giving up, growled at Snape, as its mouth opened to launch another lightning strike. Snape used his agility to run, while the lightning passed straight by him. He approached the wolf and cast a "Lumos" to blind it before approaching, as he did with the serpent in the desert. With its vision limited, the wolf didn't see Snape coming, who immediately jumped on it, using his physical strength and plunged the dagger into its head, making the wolf shake in pain. But Snape didn't give up, he saw that the wolf tried to open its mouth to launch another lightning bolt. Then, he took his wand, while still embedded with the other hand in its head, and cast a bomb inside its mouth, making it explode immediately and fall to the ground the next moment.

HP - Shadow Monarch!

HP - Shadow Monarch!

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague


Elective classes are not supposed to start until third year

On a crisp, clear morning that hinted at the onset of autumn, Izzy found herself walking toward her first elective class, Care of Magical Creatures. The path wound its way toward the edge of the Forbidden Forest, a location that struck a delicate balance between the safety of Hogwarts and the wild, untamed magic that lay within the woods. The air was fresh, carrying the earthy scent of moss and leaves, mixed with the faint aroma of distant rain.

Izanami Black

Izanami Black

Book&Literature · Undead_Raptor


This is not the first spell they learn. In the movies they skipped the first lesson which was Lumos and instead moved right to Halloween which is levitation.

"The Levitation Charm, also known as Wingardium Leviosa, is a very useful spell," Flitwick explained. "It allows you to make objects fly and is particularly helpful for moving things without physical effort. Now, the key to this charm is the swish and flick motion. Watch closely."

Izanami Black

Izanami Black

Book&Literature · Undead_Raptor


Inanimate into animate transfiguration is too advanced for first year.

"Vincent, can you help me with this?" Blaise asked, holding up his notes. "I can't seem to get the hang of turning a teapot into a tortoise."

From Hitman to Hogwarts

From Hitman to Hogwarts

Movies · MbthehunterN7


This is the third time it is explained. It would be better to just mention he explained it instead of spelling it out every time.

Harry explained further, "We'll have different levels and challenges. Each student will get an enchanted book that updates automatically with their progress, spells learned, and challenges completed. We'll also have team challenges and inter-house competitions to keep things engaging."

Harry Potter with Technology System

Harry Potter with Technology System

Book&Literature · TheFanficGod


These last three paragraphs are completely redundant

As the two faced off, the deck of Buggy's pirate ship was littered with the unconscious bodies of Buggy's crew, each one felled by Zoro in their earlier confrontation. Though they were all alive, their groans of pain and discomfort added to the tense atmosphere. Zoro and Nami had left to search for the map to the Grand Line and Buggy's treasures, leaving Goku to deal with Buggy alone.

The Pirate Saiyan

The Pirate Saiyan

Anime & Comics · thesaiyanprince99


Wasn't it Snargaluff last chapter?

Reluctantly releasing the plant, Irina turned her gaze back to Sprout. "It's alright, Professor. Next, let's see the Chinese Chomping Cabbage!"

Harry Potter: The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Harry Potter: The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Book&Literature · electronatom


It should be Flamel instead of Grindelwald


The amount of magic Lynn had tapped from the Philosopher's Stone to fuel that overpowered Protego was comparable to what he expended creating an alchemical formation by using his wand in place of an engraving knife. Recalling Grindelwald's estimate that he would need to reach fourth-year level before attempting that feat wandlessly, Lynn could extrapolate that the immense magical power required likely matched the average fourth-year's reserves.

Harry Potter: The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Harry Potter: The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Book&Literature · electronatom


In my humble opinion Fiendfyre is many times more dangerous than any of the Unforgivables. The terrible three are all single target spells thar require line of sight. Ff on the other hand is an AoE attack that has a tendency to go out of control and feeds on magic.


Fiendfyre, being very powerful dark magic only slightly less dangerous than the Unforgivable Curses, was something even Lynn's mentor Professor Green refused to teach him, despite his great control over fire. The lure of dark magic was too risky, even for Lynn, his only student and final hope. 

Harry Potter: The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Harry Potter: The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Book&Literature · electronatom



Harkon was officially on a countdown, and I couldn't wait to put his pathetic ass into the ground. I have more important shit to worry about than an uppity vampire with a god complex after all...

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Video Games · Rastislav



Faster than he could blink, or otherwise react, Gelebor found himself flying through the air, my armored gauntlet leaving a bloody print on his face.

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Video Games · Rastislav



Voslaarum and Naslaarum shared one quick look, nodded, and bolted the fuck out of there.

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Video Games · Rastislav


This should be impossible as it is mandatory to take at least 2 electives. 3 are recommended. More than that requires a time turner.

Therefore, in addition to the core seven classes of Transfiguration, Herbology, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Charms, Astronomy and History of Magic, Lynn only elected to take Ancient Runes.

Harry Potter: The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Harry Potter: The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Book&Literature · electronatom


2 typos here


This paragraph is far too long. It should be split into three or four paragraphs at least to become more readable.

"When I was little, the Dursleys always let their anger out on me. The one who became violent was Vernon. Petunia only shouted at me and they all called me a freak. They told me it would have been better for everybody if I had just died with my parents in the car crash that they caused when they were drunk. Halloween was always the worst. Dudley paraded with all the sweets he got in the neighbourhood from trick or treating and rubbed it into my face that I wouldn't get a single sweet. The first time Vernon beat me with his belt that I remember was when I was five. Before all injuries were from him grabbing me too hard and shoving me into the cupboard under the stairs where I slept. He had been denied a promotion at work he had hoped for and got drunk and vented his anger on me. At school things didn't get better except that I was away from Privet Drive most of the time. When it was apparent that I was smarter than Dudley they forced me to not outdo him." Harry didn't know why all those words spilled out of him, but now that he had started he for some reason couldn't stop and he felt strangely safe in Sirius' arms, who was rubbing circles on his back.

Harry Potter: No More Simping

Harry Potter: No More Simping

Book&Literature · Mystic_Verse

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