Banishment! The words hovered in the air, it continued to echo in the ears of the listeners over and over. It was a surprising punishment as no one had been banished in the recent years, none of the people alive had ever seen it happen.
Fantasy · 1cutecat
lmfaoooooo 🤣😭
"Sit your ass down!" Rufus snarled with strength. It was not a request but rather a command, his voice dripped with anger. "I will not ask again." His cold dark brooding eyes gazed at them, they glinted with a mixture of authority and disdain.
Fantasy · 1cutecat
facts, it's in his name
One took one step forward. "You are such a dick; your mother knew that when she gave you that name. Do you not recall when you commanded me to call you a beast master in bed? Or when you roughed me up as I cried and begged you to stop hurting me? Do you not recall all that? Maybe this will remind you." With all rough pull, she yanked up her skirt. "You did not just brand my back; you burned me with very hot candle wax that left a mark on me."
Fantasy · 1cutecat
"What are you doing here?" Cesar asked the group dressed in brightly colored sportswear and revealing transparent parts, all the clothes were from BITCH, the Mox clothing brand,
Anime & Comics · Jhunior_ll
save the Bakker clan from joining snake Nation please 🥺❤️
wait, who got her pregnant?
"And since when does Rick send pregnant women around the camp?" I raise an eyebrow questioningly, carefully getting up from the bed, supporting Susan who was sitting on the edge.
Anime & Comics · amattsu
no body is going to hurt you anymore kiwi 😭 .you have friends you can trust, and maybe a boyfriend in Alex.
Kiwi woke up shivering, missing the familiar warmth beneath her. Frowning in annoyance, the girl groped for Alex, whose body had previously radiated such pleasant heat. Not finding him, the blonde opened her eyes in displeasure and looked around for the missing boy.
Anime & Comics · amattsu
[Yes! yes! yes!]
Reborn ghost seeing lady is pampered by her ex husband
Fantasy · 1cutecat