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LV 14
2020-02-18 Joint Global

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Moments 46


He’s was part of the supernatural side before he got his memories right?

Laughing to myself, I snap my fingers, casting a mental dissociation spell, making me nigh imperceptible to the people around me, then I levitate off the ground into the sky, then begin flying towards school at subsonic speeds. In less than a minute, I had reached the street about 40 metres from the school gate. I drop into an alleyway and walk to the gate of the school where I am met by the student council president herself, Souna Shitori, or more precisely, Sona Sitri, heiress to the devil house Sitri and a stickler for the rules.

Reborn as a Dragon Slayer in Draconic Deus

Reborn as a Dragon Slayer in Draconic Deus

Anime & Comics · Sica_rio


I’m trying to follow along, would the heart attack be because cps are being called meaning Harry is potentially taken away? Or is it because of the fact that Harry is being abused which may cause him to go down a dark path?

Nick had trouble holding his laughter when Harry told him this as he couldn't help imagining Dumbledore getting a letter telling him this and having a heart attack. It would not be strange since he would then feel the need to watch out for signs of Harry growing in a way similar to Voldemort and turning evil. Nick knew that was impossible due to how good natured Harry was but it was still a funny idea. He didn't shut down Harry's hopes though since he honestly couldn't just tell Harry that all of his misery was because of a scheming old goat and the evil known as prophecies.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro


It won’t come with six eyes right?

For a moment, God's eternal composure wavered. The divine eyes that had been pools of serenity now flickered with an emotion Alex couldn't quite identify—surprise? Concern? Astonishment?

Naruto: Enigma

Naruto: Enigma

Anime & Comics · fuchiku


How many times is the mf going to feel a ‘thrill of excitement’ ?


There are a lot of deviations from the source material

I turned into electricity and appeared right before them as my tail finished off the woman while I killed the man with my claws. I was prepared to claim their souls but was disappointed to find that both of them were just artificial angels and had no souls. I growled in annoyance as I stored both of their bodies in my inventory before launching away from the portal as it closed. Or that was what I tried to do at least. As I tried to get away from the portal I was frozen by an overwhelming holy presence that caused my skin to sizzle just from proximity to this being.

Reborn in Custom Made Demon King

Reborn in Custom Made Demon King

Book&Literature · Conceptual_Entity


Shouldn’ t he be getting 4 soul 2 fallen, 2 noble Or is this an altered cube?

As I flew forward with the stick held in my outstretched hand I began to transmute some of the souls I had gained from killing the night creatures. I shoved 200 of my 329 remaining souls into the Hodratic cube and closed the lid of the box. After a few seconds, I opened it up once more and claimed the two high-quality souls floating inside the box. Next, I used 100 souls to create a large magic energy-boosting potion with the aid of the system. I did this because eating souls normally would be way less efficient than using the system to streamline the process.

Reborn in Custom Made Demon King

Reborn in Custom Made Demon King

Book&Literature · Conceptual_Entity


Many different people came out of the wood work to comment on this

He was a Muslim in his previous life, and while the concept of Karma didn't really exist in the Abrahamic faiths...It should pretty much be the same as the Virtue Vs Sin concept, right?

Custom Made Archangel (Old, Will Be Rewritten)

Custom Made Archangel (Old, Will Be Rewritten)

Book&Literature · Dr_Armstrong

Replied to Fire_Boy_5319

Midnight or chocolate?

Ce livre a été supprimé.

How pathetic are we talking ?

Ce livre a été supprimé.

Would he be able to take Sirius in his suitcase?

And I'm obviously talking about the Vanishing Cabinet, which I now had one more reason to want to fix.

Savage: The Night Wizard - (A Harry Potter Fanfic)

Savage: The Night Wizard - (A Harry Potter Fanfic)

Book&Literature · Se7en


But the betrayal of the potters was a huge deal

Amelia groaned loudly before explaining, "The war was finishing and the Ministry was dealing with the so-called imperious victims, so something as minor as Sirius just got swept under the rug by Crouch and Fudge. When I asked about it, I was ignored, and eventually forgot entirely." Turning to Rigel she bowed slightly, "I'm sorry for that. I WILL get him a trial."

Born of a Star (HP FanFic)

Born of a Star (HP FanFic)

Movies · Ravven2769

Replied to Ravven2769

Can I ask the general direction your going to take with his character? just wanna know because I feel some authors take it way too far, making him out to be a dark lord in hiding

Taking a look at the clock that rested on the wall, Rigel thanked the owl, who took off back into the sky. While annoyed that he would have to wait an hour and a half, he couldn't help but become curious as to who would be sent. Professor McGonagall was often the one sent out to explain the situation, however, he never understood other people's obsession with her. While the character had some funny interactions and cared deeply for those in her house, she was incredibly harsh, was prone to extreme bias, and merely did what she was told to by Dumbledore, who regardless of being canon or fan fiction, was a disappointment and failure, or a manipulative corrupt bastard. Neither of which Rigel wanted anything to do with.

Born of a Star (HP FanFic)

Born of a Star (HP FanFic)

Movies · Ravven2769

Replied to LesendeTaube

I think this is the first civil convo I have seen on Webnovel

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