
LV 2
2020-01-24 Joint Global
Badges 3

Moments 10
2 years ago
Replied to hayden_widjaja

really? I haven't guessed by the fact that you mention it, Every. Single. Chapter.

2 years ago

Meh. It was sweet, but she got off way too easy. Just a little pity story and turning on the waterworks is enough to make the immortal monster tremble. So what if she thought what she was doing was the best for both of them? That wasn't just her decision to make.

2 years ago

He should forgive her but perhaps not without any consequences. I would have him make it very clear how she has wasted a lot of time and hurt him by doing so.

2 years ago

forgiven straight away because of some crocodile tears... trash

3 years ago
Replied to Xerstoren

chapters like this make the story progressively harder to read

It was things like this that allowed Vahn to see Kali's wisdom and, though he felt like she could have done more to aid the growth and progress of her people, it wasn't really her responsibility to do so. If he truly believed that gods 'had' to contribute to the proper development of the surface races, Vahn would be putting himself above them and forcing his perspective onto existences that were far older than he was. In a way, it would be the same as Kali imposing her perspective onto Tiona and Tione, trying to change them into something that was beneficial for herself. This would undoubtedly have severe negative consequences and Vahn was beginning to understand that his methods may not have been as 'correct' as he had thought.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion

3 years ago

isnt that your fault author? why keep doing this to him?

(A/N: Vahn is going to break at this rate o_o...)

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion

3 years ago

he literally lets everyone influence his own views it only takes a woman to speak a little strongly to him and he changes his views on everything

Vahn had already sat down next to Kali, listening to each of her words closely, even if he didn't wholly agree with them. The one thing she was right about was the implication that he simply didn't know enough and, keeping that in mind, Vahn nodded his head before reclining onto the lounge and releasing a heavy sigh. He didn't really have anything to say and just allowed Kali to lean against his side as she too showed an exasperated and tired expression. It wasn't until a few minutes later, when a trio of young Amazonesses entered into the chamber, that Kali perked up and adopted her mischevious grin once again. She adjusted herself into a comfortable position, whispering, "Well, though you probably can't appreciate it, you should still enjoy the evening's entertainment. Just remember to keep your hands to yourself and there shouldn't be any problems~."

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion

3 years ago
Replied to AvaCeciliaGrace

the only reason hes being a little bitch and not saying how he actually feels is because they are a race of beautiful women, such hypocrisy. if it was a race of male dwarves he would just slaughter all the ones with a dark aura and force his views on them

Kali's face showed a complex expression as she led the way in silence, growing increasingly annoyed by how Vahn was behaving. She knew he must have seen something that upset him but, at least from her perspective, Vahn was far too sensitive. Though Loki had said he was highly empathetic, Kali sometimes felt that his behavior dropped the 'em' part of the word on occasion, especially if it was something he couldn't change easily. However, since she knew he had the power to change things and the only thing holding him back was his own sensibilities and the consideration he had for people like her, Kali felt conflicted and couldn't easily rebuke him for his behavior...

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion

3 years ago
Replied to Xerstoren

well lets just read 6 more chapters of him brooding on it until it timeskips by a year and kali is being a docile little wife after giving birth to his kid

Vahn had only been paying partial attention to what was going on during the feast as he had 'instinctually' shifted his focus back to the Manor. He was currently snuggled up with Fenrir and, though he knew it was a little 'pathetic', Vahn couldn't help but seek comfort after witnessing something that he couldn't really accept. Even though he knew it was 'natural', Vahn felt like the Amazonesses had been cursed with a cruel and unjust existence...even though they genuinely seemed to enjoy it. Vahn didn't know what the 'right' answer in this situation was so so he could only continue to observe...

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion

3 years ago

wonder what happened to that guy who Vahn used to buy seafood crepes from?

After being chased off by Tsubaki, Vahn found himself sitting above the City, watching as the people below moved around, causing Orario to feel 'alive' with the comings and goings of those residing within. Though he was very busy with his own matters, everyone else was also busy living their own lives, some without any thought or consideration about the future whatsoever. Vahn could see vendors pedaling their goods while children, having no School of their own to attend, playing around in the streets. There were even young girls playing sports in alleyways, emulating their 'heroes' as they imagined what it would be like to be famous themselves. Slowly but surely, the entire City was beginning to change under his influence, especially with the large influx of refugees that, as of yet, still hadn't been fully processed to become citizens...

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion