

LV 3
2020-01-17 Joint Global
Badges 5

Moments 340
29 days ago

Nice chapter, keep going. I want to ask you something. Are you planning on in any way making damiens subordinates or crew members as strong as emperors? People who were strong to begin with such as aokiji etc. Are still cool, but i seriously hope all his crew members are not garp, whitebeard and roger level at the end. It would REALLY destroy the immersion. Especially Indra. Just don't make him too strong. Him being able to even hurt an admiral was already too much, since we never saw admirals hurt even ONCE except by emperors or by commanders who can hold their own but can't actually hurt them.

1 months ago

Whats the upload schedule now btw?

1 months ago
Replied to Dexter_Sled_1111

Yes, a weapon would do well, but you literally said he would not have been able to kill them without one. How does that make any sense when he literally killed a lvl 4 zombie by ripping apart his head with a kick. These zombies are only 2-4 levels higher, so how the hell would this in any way stop him when he gained more than 70+ stats?? Not to mention when each level only gives him 1 stat points and he ripped apart the head when he had only 25-26 stats in strength...

1 months ago

Seriously, this is getting frustrating. How the hell is he so weak if he is ranked top 60,000 ??? The guy ranked top 900,000 seems as strong as him, so what is the point??

1 months ago

Up until now, the stats make zero sense. For such aa high perception, the most he can do is hear rain drops on a rainy night, which isn't impressive in the least. He can't even see something 150 meters ahead of him without a telescope. But he could rip apart a persons head from their bodies with only 25-26 points in strength. See how the stats don't make much sense? He got close to a 100 points now, but it was said he couldn't beat a lvl 6-9 enemies without Rinas the hell does this make any sense?

1 months ago

Its a drop i guess. Its this many chapters into the story yet the story is focused on something completely different and completely ignoring the main reason people are here. You should change the name of your novel, because your don't give what you promote. Not to mention, there has been zero progress into the story and it feels like a filler that never ends. No progress. Nothing. And your writing style and choice of words does not help. You are using such complex words and sentences for something so mundane that it gets incredibly frustrating to read. I don't mind complex words, since its easy for me to understand, but you should use it appropriately. Use it when trying to describe a complex scene, a battle of intense proportions or to convey emotions. You keep spamming it for simple scene that needs nothing but simplicity.

1 months ago

This is getting too stretched out. The fact that the main focus of this novel, his copy ability, has not even been mentioned after the first time is beyond ridiculous. This is seriously getting annoying, instead of showing him exploring his system, and the words written, you have not even mentioned anything. Its ridiculous for a guy to not even look at his special ability after the first time. Atleast mention the mc ACTUALLy exploring his ability. And the explanation for what talents are in the previous chapter was confusing, instead of explaining things, you made it more confusing. What do attributes do exactly? What are dimensional names? How is shin's ability to clone different than what his talent is?

2 months ago

Why do you keep repeating the same things over and over again?? "With my family and their love, i lnow i can...." Sentences like this have been repeated so many times that it gets ridiculous. Not to mention the words of support from the family. "We believe in you tian'er" "I am proud of you" "We are honoured to have you as our son' These words are good,but you overuse them so much that it gets wayyy too unnatural and cheesy. Its like i am reading the same thing over and over again, but with different wordings, with the story being in the same place.

2 months ago
Replied to Reviewed

He is talking about the normal spear he got from the tutorial area. The rest of the heavy weapons are the legendary sword and the pole or whatever it is. The spear is not that heavy for him, and he is shown to use it effortlessly with no strain whatsoever. Try to understand before jumping to conclusions. He is just a distinction as to how abnormal he is currently.

'On one side of the coin, I am a normal teenager who just finished his first year in University, and on another side, I am a man that can lift a spear that weighs over half a ton if not much more.'

Azimuth: The Elden Throne (New Version)

Azimuth: The Elden Throne (New Version)

Games · Follower_of_Abadom

2 months ago
Replied to Reviewed

That was not his point...

'I can't help but feel as if I am doing some lame roleplay... Just hold it in, there's no one here to make fun of me...'

Azimuth: The Elden Throne (New Version)

Azimuth: The Elden Throne (New Version)

Games · Follower_of_Abadom