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2 days ago


He covered himself with his signature Gundam Barrier and then had an idea that would allow him to protect himself from that phasing bastard. He would have to be very cautious and do stuff mostly from a long distance. 

The "G" Shield

The "G" Shield

Movies · IdleMuse0307

3 days ago

xmen Xavier could help slowly ease him into the memories

Well, that would be a lie since had multiple memories of Jack Sullivan, the HYDRA soldier who was trained on that and more but the memories were so brutal that he had already consciously suppressed them. He had a hunch that someday, in the future, he would have to consult someone about that because just letting that sit in his head without addressing it did not seem healthy but all that could come later. Now, he had to catch an actual terrorist and give back the Vibranium to Wakanda. Vibranium that could later be used to create an asteroid falling on Earth situation by a hyper-advanced AI who was convinced that humanity needed to experience an Extinction level event to evolve and become stronger because its code was completely compromised by some sort of failsafe that Thanos put in the scepter as part of its defenses.

The "G" Shield

The "G" Shield

Movies · IdleMuse0307

3 days ago

cosmic power

Ah yes, the Power Cosmic. According to his spotty comic knowledge, Power Cosmic was a type of energy that was unique to Galactus as he was the being that would bring about the Big Bang of the next universe after the inevitable heat death of the current universe. Apparently, his barriers were somehow made of the same stuff. Those barriers were then covered in Gamma Energy that his body produced according to his demand and then there was CHI which was there in his body in excess quantity because of the Super Soldier serum that was used on him. The Ancient One had been very forthcoming with information right up until he asked her about the specifics of his experiment where she shut up and asked him to join the training that was mostly reserved for unpowered newbies, not someone Awesome like him who could lift a car with a thought.

The "G" Shield

The "G" Shield

Movies · IdleMuse0307

3 days ago

cosmic power

He panted and gasped as he did the same katas as all the apprentices that he was paired with. The Ancient One had given him a bracelet that increased the pressure on his body so much that he was probably weaker than an average adult at this point, despite being a literal Super Soldier. She had said that it would help train his CHI to not be in imbalance with his Gamma Energy and Power Cosmic.

The "G" Shield

The "G" Shield

Movies · IdleMuse0307

3 days ago

don't put super long paragraphs space them some if possible

"Hmm," He hummed to himself and then continued to feast on the stuff in front of him. He realised that, after becoming a super soldier of sorts, he had been enhanced in more ways than one. For one, he stubbed his pinky on the way out of his bedroom and had, on instinct, begun jumping around in pain, only to realise that the pain never came and his pinky was absolutely fine. Now, he was no masochist to test if he could heal wounds faster by cutting himself or worse, burning himself but he was pretty sure that had he done that, it would have confirmed his theory. He had been enhanced in every way beyond what Steve Rogers was. He still had no idea about the experimentation they were doing to him in that base and neither did Jack. He was an absolutely loyal soldier to the cause and had not even questioned why his superior had ordered him to strip and then strapped him into a very shady-looking mechanical contraption. So, it was pretty much left to him to find out the extent of his enhancements by fumbling around. He still could not go out in public yet because Jarvis was still working on an iron-clad identity for himself which was a load of bullshit if he had ever heard one. It was clear that it would take no time for a digital entity like Jarvis to create a very strong identity for him and yet, they were stalling. For what? He did not know but at least the hotel bill was being charged to Stark's credit card and thus, it was a balm to his soul as he continued to feast on hundreds of dollars worth of food for every meal.

The "G" Shield

The "G" Shield

Movies · IdleMuse0307

7 days ago
Replied to Juipt

more of a monster vibe

7 days ago
Replied to O_D_8761

damn now I wanna play it again

'He's my godly parent, isn't he. But who exactly is he. I don't recall any gods who take the form of a hulking mass.' I felt chilly, which was strange. I stopped swinging the sword at the dummy and looked around.

Percy Jackson The Wrathful Demigod

Percy Jackson The Wrathful Demigod

Others · Juipt

7 days ago

really mother TRUCKER

I was slowly losing the battle as scaley blasted another acid from his mouth at me. Quickly I dodge to the right. "AH!" I bite my tongue as some of the acid got onto my arm. It wasn't life threating but it hurt like a mother trucker.

Percy Jackson The Wrathful Demigod

Percy Jackson The Wrathful Demigod

Others · Juipt

8 days ago

grandson --> son

"I don't want them to face the Spellmans. I just want Luke to spend his summer vacation at the Umbrio farm. You know, a grandfather sees his deceased daughter's grandson for the first time. That position will keep the Spellmans from freaking out, and they won't want a war," Natasha explained, and Luke's expression turned ugly. He didn't want help from anyone, and as he was about to speak, Natasha kept talking.

Wednesday: The Strongest Psychic

Wednesday: The Strongest Psychic

TV · Nathe07

12 days ago

it's 2011, lokis scepter isn't there until after the battle of new York

Maxim was already planning on "borrowing" Loki's Scepter, which housed the Mind Gem, using it to activate the Twins' powers and improve his own power.

Marvel: Video Game Templates!

Marvel: Video Game Templates!

Movies · StrikerAuthor