It was a sight not seen since the First Age, men, elves, and dwarves, united, fighting side by side against the dark forces that so fervently sought to strip them of their freedom.
Movies · Ax_nevermay_cry
The war was already won.
Book&Literature · Carrots123
The last thing I saw was Ygritte's shocked, scared face as the darkness consumed me.
TV · elfon
''I don't know'' Olenna Responded. She paled ''Why is he flying in the direction of StormsEnd'' she thought.
Book&Literature · DarthSidiousforlif
perhaps it is really time for some serious exorcisms
Even in a world that did not remember His name, even in a place where the Gospels had never been written, Jesus Christ still reigned. The enemy might burn, might blind men with its false light, but it could not erase the truth. The mere memory of Christ's name was enough to make it recoil.
Book&Literature · InkDweller
Hoooooooo now this is really becoming interesting
Joffrey's face twisted into something between rage and mockery, but his voice faltered for the first time. "Why would I fear that carpenter?"
Book&Literature · InkDweller
oh fuck
"But right now, my mind is focused on other things," he continued. "I have to train, learn, and prepare for my responsibilities. Being the heir to House Frost means I have many duties ahead of me. I can't let myself be distracted."
GOT: A Transmigrator's Conquest
TV · MidnightBlade007