
male LV 4

A weirdo

2019-10-11 Joint Antarctica
Badges 9

Moments 44
5 months ago

this is a stolen work, original name is Sunrise and it's finished

5 months ago

Please comit unlife you thief, for all the people reading this tis fic has finished years ago find the finished version by googling sunrise game of thrones

5 months ago

Probably the best Asoif fic on this site, with an interesting character for Si especially since the rebellion is in full swing. All I fear is that this fic will go way too deep into the maester conspiracy, i think the community is giving wayyy too much credit to a bunch of old men, just give it another thought how exciting are bunch of mediveval "learned men" supoposed to drive a super weapon made of literal dark magics extinct

5 months ago
Replied to Ismir_Atreides

Agon the Unworthy is just way worse Viseris

With a thoughtful hum, Bartimos acknowledged his son's recollection. "Indeed, my son, you speak true. How ironic it is, isn't it? Viserys himself ascended the throne by virtue of that very law, which preferred males over females. And yet, in this instance, he desires the recognition of every lord, affirming his daughter as his named heir to the iron throne."

The Crab's Dance - A Celtigar's Tale [REUPLOAD]

The Crab's Dance - A Celtigar's Tale [REUPLOAD]

TV · Giver_Of_Crabs_165

5 months ago

Sorry to be that guy but morningstar is a spiked mace so no chains there, flail is the ball and chain weapon that is borderline ahistorical at least in the one handed variation, two handed flail were both ubiquitous and dangerous but they were mostly a thing among levies, bandids and peasant rebels as they were a conversion of a agricultural tool

With a sense of urgency, the two warriors made their way towards each other, their weapons gleaming in the sunlight. Ser Criston wielded his mighty morningstar, its spiked ball attached to an iron chain, while Clement brandished his trusty axe, its blade glinting menacingly in the light. This was a battle of "unorthodox" weapons, with each combatant wielding a tool of destruction.

The Crab's Dance - A Celtigar's Tale [REUPLOAD]

The Crab's Dance - A Celtigar's Tale [REUPLOAD]

TV · Giver_Of_Crabs_165

6 months ago
Replied to VerginAngel

just the cleanest plague ogryn

Harley and Ivy had commandeered our kitchen. Harley was singing something happy and off-key as she sat on the counter watching Ivy cook for her. Something something 'Allstar' by the sound of it. Did I want to consider the implications that Shrek existed in this reality? That made 69 lives in a row now. No matter where I went, that damned ogre followed, even when it didn't logically make sense like in less modern worlds. I'd basically given up and decided to consider Shrek a constant of existence at this point.

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy

7 months ago
Replied to _NorthStar_


He knew it wasn't going well at all. You could take the Uchiha out of the prick, but you could never remove the prick from an Uchiha.

Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Anime & Comics · 0_Jordinio_0

1 years ago

before or after it was know that he's mister handsy

Fun fact! Did you know that Michael Jackson wanted to compose a Harry Potter musical? He did, but JKR ended up refusing. 

Harry Potter: Grindelwald's Grandson

Harry Potter: Grindelwald's Grandson

Book&Literature · NyanTa

1 years ago
Replied to YoungMasterLemon16

mans's about to get the true top g up in his a hole

"I am much too proud to even consider talking to women who'd degrade themselves in such a way, let alone vie for their attention." Magnus said that and nothing more, for the match had already started.

HP: Eagle Soars

HP: Eagle Soars

Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH

1 years ago

smells like napalm is on the menu
