Messi dribling skill i guess
It was too early to settle , story wise so i think its a good choice to break up. that being saId the author did manage the whole relationship at a distance rather poorly. Lets hope zach can find some fling while in italy. i do enJoy chapters that arent all about the footbal matches.
Messi did 0,92 per game on his 403 games in la liga... Making a goal a game would be beyond absurd...
I wanna see italian defenses puttinG serious pressure.
honestly the transition from the 1st chapter to the god of darkness feels a bit too abrupt, not enough is told and its not well done, the mc feels bland, without enough being told about him to make a personality, lets hope the novel improves significantly. No hate, just hoping for constructive criticism.
It Was vert poor writing, both thE pregnancy wHich made no sense and the missCarriage, which served no story purpose.
hello! im an unknown person! We just barely met. Can you give me power? Sure! i will explain it to you in a very easy to understand way so you can get power. ..... just no
ok one thing done very well is power = cost. Always a great choice.
ok first chapters where good this one has a massive info dump that could have been done in a much more organic way. Also the whole " old experienced guy understand how to speak with otherworlders in their own mental frame" is not that good.
What i like about this novel is the unique blend. The mc is evil but likeable, things dont always go his way It has some H scenes. But no, they are no very common, a rarety actually, and quite well done. The world background is deep, interesting and well thought. There is no "harem" but the mc likes a fling every know and then. It is by no means his motivation and woman are certainly not dumb about him. Overall very very refreshing approach . I wish more stories would include some spicy stuff without BEING about spicy stuff. The mc's powers are overall a bit bland but still interesting nonetheless. Overall a solid recomendation.
Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil
Fantasy · Grayback