crookshanks is a male too. .so he won't
Ron clicked his tongue, deep in thought, before picking up Crookshanks and flipping through a book, whispering strategies on how to fight a much larger dog.
Book&Literature · michaeI
Just a mechanism of their reproduction process, I also have no idea why would it be so, because this implies that before the burning Martians split up they killed planets full of living organisms to reproduce which. .. .. is Iffy but that's DC for you, their lore is weird. p. s. have a nice day my frnd
Bio-Fission: Burning Martians can feed on feelings like sorrow, desperation and suffering to reproduce asexually.[MC is anything but asexual and has no interest in spawning Martians endlessly therefore won't be used.]
Anime & Comics · EgyptianDio
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Please Keep on writing this amazing story
I apologize for my last review, I just read the first chapter and made a bad connection. I have been seeing a lot of plagiarized content on this app, and when I read the beginning of your novel. . I didn't even read further and just commented. As this is a mistake from my side I apologize. Truly sorry, please keep up your writing.
Because that is how the writers designed them. . Comic Writers smoke some weird shit
Bio-Fission: Burning Martians can feed on feelings like sorrow, desperation and suffering to reproduce asexually.[MC is anything but asexual and has no interest in spawning Martians endlessly therefore won't be used.]
Marvel Mutant, I’m a Burning Martian!
Anime & Comics · EgyptianDio