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Book&Literature · Kisshot
A fan of his own voice, Zhao is
Show them the best of the best, okay? Go ahead," Zhao said to a crowd of hundreds of Fire Nation sailors, many of them with emblems on their bodies indicating which element they could use.
Anime & Comics · Sir_Traverse
The Deep infests the deep, it appears
"So… we're squaring off against some sea people?" I was reminded of the old commercials for sea monkeys -- a civilization in a fish tank. I wasn't sure what was the greater con -- the sea monkeys or the pet rocks.
Anime & Comics · ChainFreak
Got that damn right
WORM Out Through The Fallout
Anime & Comics · ChainFreak
Hmm, being connected to Fallout 4 as a main map location, will definitely be fun.
"Right now, the plan is to use them, but going forward…" I shrugged, "It depends on how well they behave. And what else is beyond Nuka-World."
Anime & Comics · ChainFreak
But, silently, I was crossing my fingers for horribly mutated monsters warped by radiation.
Anime & Comics · ChainFreak
"Jarvis," Translucent said, snapping at his aid. "Run the lead up to Stillwell. See what she thinks, but it could be a nice bump." The rattish-looking man nodded and ran off and Translucent's gaze returned to her. "I think we might have gotten on the wrong foot. Sorry about that. Translucent, one of the Seven." He said, throwing on a charming smile and holding out a hand.
Anime & Comics · ChainFreak
Actually a good way of writing, cheers
I mean brianna managed to last 4 seconds against him.
Anime & Comics · Lucas_7159
Fr my thoughts in proper terminology 😫
Would it compress or displace? Compression could result in an implosion, while displacement might leave a void. And would that void be stable?"
Anime & Comics · Lucas_7159
e and i aren't even close on the keyboard. This can't be a typo.
It seems sex eyes were recognized as his natural Ability.
From Overlord To Multiverse.
Anime & Comics · nkcthereaper