God_Of_Steel342 - Profile



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2019-06-26 Joint United Kingdom

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ch 28 Chapter 28 : Little Sister's Little Hole P.2 (18+)

Perverted Life In the World Of Debauchery

Perverted Life In the World Of Debauchery

Anime & Comics · Venerable_White57



ch 28 Chapter 28 : Little Sister's Little Hole P.2 (18+)

Perverted Life In the World Of Debauchery

Perverted Life In the World Of Debauchery

Anime & Comics · Venerable_White57


why can't she have powers related to cause and effect and destiny.

She acts as a referee for some rating games, so I thought why not some mastery over space? So *cough* limitless?

Irregular In DxD

Irregular In DxD

Anime & Comics · Life_sa_Beach_


more omake

"Well, that was fun." I hummed, rejoining the others.

A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne


Isn't this kinda bad for him

<p>"Build?..." The goblins looked at Arthur with a strange expression, not understanding because of their sleep.<br/><br/> "..."<br/><br/> A vein appeared on Arthur's forehead, repeating something simple often bothered him a lot, he puffed out his chest and shouted loudly:<br/><br/> "WAKE UP YOU LITTLE BASTARDS!!"<br/><br/> ...<br/><br/> After being forcibly woken up by Arthur, the goblins, who were now much more attentive, paid attention to Arthur's words. "Y-yes... I know how to build some huts, but I don't know if they will be the way you imagine..." Kakarotto was the one who responded.<br/><br/> "It doesn't need to be pretty for now, the important thing is to shelter me during the day."<br/><br/> It was obvious that Arthur wouldn't want to live in a shack forever, but the important thing now was to keep him safe from the sunlight during the day. From what he remembers, in the original story, only noble vampires were able to roam the streets during the day without suffering serious damage, however, they still had a slight drop in their abilities. If Arthur's body burns easily in sunlight, it means that the vampire he possessed was a low-class vampire.<br/><br/> This just makes it clear how strong the vampires were in this world, Arthur felt very strong for a few seconds when he fought Avalon and Zodiak, even though he was a low-class vampire.<br/><br/> "Alright, show me what you're capable of." Arthur said to the goblins, as he clapped both hands together.<br/><br/> After some time, the goblins had only made a small hut, capable of housing the three brothers inside.<br/><br/> "Hey..."<br/><br/> The goblins, who were satisfied with the small home they had made, soon noticed the frightening aura that surrounded them on all sides. When they looked back, they saw Arthur.<br/><br/> "HOW DO YOU THINK I'M GONNA GET INTO THIS?!" Arthur screamed again, making his ears hurt.<br/><br/> "B-but with our current strength it's impossible for us to carry pieces of wood larger than these..."<br/><br/> Arthur snorted and said "Alright... Avalon, Zodiak, help them."<br/><br/> Avalon and Zodiak were instantly summoned by Arthur, and obeyed his orders. Carrying the goblins on their backs, they headed towards the forest trees that weren't too far away.<br/><br/> After a while, progress in collecting materials was clear, with Zodiak and Avalon helping they would soon finish the main cabin. However, another problem soon arose...<br/><br/> W-why are goblins so short????<br/><br/> Arthur thought as he lamented yet another failure.<br/><br/> ...<br/><br/> The place was filled with an awkward silence after the work stopped for good, however, Kakarotto found the courage to speak:<br/><br/> "S-Sir, why don't you help us?" Kakarot spoke while looking away.<br/><br/> Avalon and Zodiak immediately felt immensely offended by the words spoken by Kakarotto and soon spoke in a raised tone of voice: "WHAT?! YOU DARE COMPARE OUR MASTER TO A SIMPLE HOAT BUILDER-"<br/><br/> "I-I don't know anything about construction..." Arthur interrupted Zodiak's exaggerated sentence and said with a shy tone of voice and a slightly flushed face as he used both hands to poke at his fingertips.<br/><br/> "M-master..." Zodiak and Avalon were surprised by such a scene, they had never noticed that their master was so beautiful.<br/><br/> Meanwhile, the goblins felt slightly uncomfortable with the scene, it was basically a grown man acting like a Dandere.<br/><br/> "Cough... no need to worry, I can teach you!" Kakarotto said, trying to break the awkward atmosphere.<br/><br/> "Serious?!" Arthur asked as his eyes sparkled and he held Kakarot's hands.<br/><br/> "Y-yes..."<br/><br/> ...<br/><br/> As he prepared to give instructions, Kakarotto noticed something and stared at Arthur.<br/><br/> Arthur noticed that Kakarotto was looking strangely and couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"<br/><br/> "Sir, you never told us what your name was." Kakarot replied.<br/><br/> Everyone nearby gathered next to Kakarotto and in front of Arthur, as if waiting for a surprising revelation.<br/><br/> "I don't have." Arthur said.<br/><br/> "It does not have?"<br/><br/> "No."<br/><br/> 'Technically I'm not lying to them, in this world I still don't have a name' Arthur thought.<br/><br/> Hearing Arthur's response, Kakarotto decided to ask: "So... can I choose one for you?"<br/><br/> Excitement could be seen in the other goblins' expressions as they all also offered to choose a name for Arthur.<br/><br/> "Well... I guess it's okay"<br/><br/> ...</p>

Tensei Shitara: The Monarch of Shadows

Tensei Shitara: The Monarch of Shadows

Anime & Comics · Lawlietttaaa



ch 20 Under And Over The Table~ (R-18)

To Be A Proud Cuck

To Be A Proud Cuck

Eastern · KindaHard42069


Did Mc at least set up traps or something.

It doesn't take me long to make it there, and I stop just before a complicated circle of ash and chalk, drawn across the grass just on the outskirts of the town. I wait patiently, my eyes wide open for the exact moment the array activates.

In DxD with the Eyes of God

In DxD with the Eyes of God

Anime & Comics · Ventus889

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