My exact thought when I turned 18.
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For Glory and Eternal Dominion!!!
Video Games · Marine0IQ
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Good luck bro!
AN: This will be an advance chapter as I will not be able to upload tomorrow. I'm ahead in one of my classes and I will be taking one of my finals tomorrow. Goodluck to me!
Anime & Comics · CelestialSimp
Long time no see! Thanks for the chapter!
The Empress's Dilemma
Video Games · BonVoyage
<<<Glorious!! Heir of Sparda!! Rise and fight, show your power!! And show the world what true strength is!!>>>
<<<Glor-yus!! Heyr ov Spar-da!! Ree-iz and fyyt, shoh yoor pow-der!! And shoh the wurld wat troo strenngth iz!!>>>
Video Games · tyronxxz
What a cool dude
It's a tiny fragment of a blade. A shard of my grandfather's Zanpakuto. Essentially, he gave me a piece of his soul, so it could nourish and strengthen mine from a young age.
Anime & Comics · ILikeDonutsSoMuch
I even know of a guy—only from rumors and future knowledge so far—Captain Kyoraku, who adores these simple pleasures, despite centuries of life and immense Shinigami power.
Anime & Comics · ILikeDonutsSoMuch
I binged all 15 chapters yesterday and I’ve got to say, its really cool! I’m a big persona fan and this author seems pretty knowledgeable. My only issue is that I want more chapters!
"Hold on," Maxim's voice echoed in their minds, "You'll adapt."
Marvel: Video Game Templates!
Movies · StrikerAuthor