

female LV 1

Author of Marry ME. A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE. KINGDOM OF FIRE. I write characters that will make you hate them at first and then make you fall in love hopelessly and irrecoverably.

2019-06-11 Joint Global
Œuvres originales
Badges 4

Moments 234
2 years ago

Hey Himanshi! First of all thank you for your precious words. It means the world to me. And yes, I am one day going to complete this story. Last year was a bit of tumbledown for me, a lot of things happened. But this year, I am gonna get the best of life. I am hoping to continue writing and completing both of my other books on the platform ❤️❤️❤️

2 years ago
Replied to joonieslove513


2 years ago
Replied to Rena_Gindi


2 years ago
Replied to Vandana_Choudhary


3 years ago
Replied to Pam_Thompson

thank you ❤️

3 years ago
Replied to BtsMeenakshi


3 years ago
Replied to Niyatixx

Hi! Currently I am focusing on A Christmas Miracle. Also I took a two week break because I was not well and my body needed rest. So I am up and back, and yeah I will be updating A Christmas Miracle first up. Then when I complete it, this.

3 years ago
Replied to Shwetagupta

Thank You ❤️

3 years ago
Replied to DaoistbPKYOw

thank you ❤️

3 years ago
Replied to Twayne_4

Hi, I wrote another book, I thought I would let you know ❤️ it's called A Christmas Miracle and it's about two best friends who forget about each other mysteriously. And then one day they meet in college and the girl decides that no matter what happens the girl isn't letting the boy go.

  • A Christmas Miracle original

    A Christmas Miracle


    What happens when you meet a stranger a day before Christmas and suddenly you get to know that person was your best friend or more than a best friend? What happens when that person has gone away from you again and you don't remember anything about them before that day but there is a scraping feeling inside your stomach that doesn't go away, since the day you have met them? Once upon a time, there was a girl and a boy. The girl and boy met on a snowy morning, a day before Christmas. The boy hated Christmas, the girl loved Christmas. The girl didn't knew she had met the guy before, the boy did, he remembered her. What happens when they fight that day, and the boy tells her that they have met before, what happens when she doesn't believe him and he goes away. What happens when Misha couldn't shake off the image of the brown curly haired boy, the black gold eyes that looked at her with such intensity, that she felt the ghost of him in every single moment, what happens when Misha opens her bag and can't help but look at the paintings she made, the paintings she didn't remember making, the boy had asked her a question, "What about Art?" She had never once remembered making any art in her life, she was a math student for god's sake. What happens when it gets too much, and on the morning of Christmas, Misha goes to the only person in the world she can trust, Gem, her grandmother. What happens when she tells her grandmother, the boy's name, 'Aakash,' and her grandmother looks at her in shock, and says that she have been dying for Misha to ask this question for years. What happens when her grandmother tells her, that for four years she have been taking Aakash's name in front of Misha but Misha forgot about it every next day. What happens when her grandmother tells her, "You were so little and so in love.." But Misha can't remember anything, why can't she remember anything about Aakash, why can't she relate to any of her grandmother's story. Amid, all this, Misha knows one thing, she has to find Aakash, she can feel it from the depth of her gut. What happens when one year passes and Misha looses all hope to find Aakash, but one midnight, a bell jangles and she sees the same messy brown curls she has been trying to find every corner, and what happens when those black gold eyes meet hers, and it passes over her like it would any strangers. What happens when this time Misha approaches Aakash, he is the one to ask, "Who are you?" And with a dreadful punch she realizes, Aakash Acharya has forgotten all about her, all about them, even the day they met last year, for him she is nothing but a new page of a book. How can they both forget about each other at different paces of time? Would Misha give up, or would she beyond all measure, fight for their story, the story they both don't even remember anymore? What if, this was all a miracle gifted to them by Universe. Beyond time and place, magic and reality, there is a story that started at the depths of snowy mountains, will the story end at the depths of the snowy mountains, would they find their lost parts, or would they dare to make new ones? ******** And then, she turned her head. He felt a punch to his gut, like a snow storm erupting inside of him. His breathing stopped when he looked at her, he was afraid that this moment would vanish, that he would blink and it would all be a dream. Her doe-like eyes which he knew so well, dreamed about so often, regarded him carefully, as if she was trying to understand something about him, her brows were hunched together and she was staring at him, just as he was staring at her. He held his breath and waited for something. She asked his name. The universe was playing a fucking cosmic joke on him, Misha Negi didn't remember him. ******* @All the copyright of the story belongs to me.

    16 Chs 16 Collections

  • KINGDOM OF FIRE original



    When Arne was eleven years old, he was told by his mother, “The animals lie sometimes, they lure you into something that’s a lie, and you forget where you are, you have to beware of that, stay away from them.” Until one day when Arne finds an injured flaming red rabbit and looks into the pair of the most beautiful eyes he has ever seen, it's eyes golden yellow the shade of the afternoon sun with a circle of brown chandelier centered in them, and he can't help but pick it up to sneak it off into his home and nurse it back to health. He was 19 now, and he didn't tell his mother, that at nights and days he had sneaked off before and made friends with animals, they never lied. Until..... Until one day he woke up and suddenly found a man with those same yellow and brown eyes looking at him as if he could snap Arne in half. When he asked the most dangerously beautiful man he had ever seen, "Who are you?" The man's voice whipped through the air like a lash, his yellow brown eyes hissed at Arne filled with hate and distaste, the man said, "You are not allowed to make any statements when I take you there, you are to be taken straight to the palace under the rules of the kingdom. Your mother has been arrested under the imputation of taking you from the King without assertion." "What, what are you trying to say?" Arne had stepped back from horror and confusion, "Where is my mom, where is my rabbit, what have you done? Mom!!!" He bellowed. No response came back. "Who are you?" he roared to the stranger standing with naked chest in his room, the man had countless abs and muscles, his body hard and glowing stark under the dim light of the room but Arne had his own strength, he was taller than the man, and he ran, every day, surely he could handle the man if he tried hard. He prepared himself for a fight and launched himself at the man, the man dived easy as air and picked up Arne with tight strong burning hands as if Arne weighed nothing, throwing him on to the bed. The last thing Arne remembered before losing himself to a bright orange haze that made his body languid and chest hurtle, was those vicious yellow eyes seeping, the man's golden pale face covered with flaming red hair, inches above him raking goosebumps on his skin. And those words, spoken with a hiss of a snake, "You are a prince, and you don't even know how to fight." WARNING: Will contain mature, sexual scenes. Read at your own risk. @ALL THE COPYRIGHT BELONGS TO ME.

    15 Chs 17 Collections