Good chapter! But more of Blackbeard fighting these mooks!
Can't wait for more!
Great chapter! Love this story!
Amazing chapter! The quality is great, and I can't wait for more!
Jen or jennifer is fine, great story can't wait for more
This story is amazing, can't wait for more!
Oh Person of Interest is a great add on, and i bet The Machine would know about jack
I really like the direction his powers are going and real combat will always help improve him. Great story!
I think this story is amazing! Maybe he could meet ciri on one of her runs!
I love this story and the direction you're taking Blackbeard! Maybe he should tell Thatch about why he wants the yami-yami, can't wait to see what's next!
Pirate of Darkness (si)
Anime & Comics · warrioroflight_3