

LV 4
2019-05-31 Joint United States
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3 days ago

We all know the drill at this point right? Five star review enjoy the novel and leave a comment, a review word your own and some powerstones sir you enjoyed reading this.

3 days ago

We all know the drill at this point right? Five star review enjoy the novel and leave a comment, a review word your own and some powerstones sir you enjoyed reading this.

7 days ago
Replied to X_termox

Nah just college stuff coming up

7 days ago
Replied to Swiftescape

Than what’s the original called?

8 days ago
Replied to Zephyrrrrr

Yes, and if your switching from 1st to third make sure to state it as well so readers don’t get confused

8 days ago

So far so good, could use some work on pov shifts and tell the readers when it happens so we don’t get surprised but otherwise win likening the story’s development so far and I think I that’s real orbit it’s still too early to say so I might update this in the future when more chapters are out.

8 days ago
Replied to Tenzing_Choeying_5139

Agreed 👍

I managed to escape the Necromancer's lair. All this time I've pretended to be unable to walk so he'll let his guard down.

Serial Killer In 'The Eminence in the Shadows'

Serial Killer In 'The Eminence in the Shadows'

Anime & Comics · Zephyrrrrr

8 days ago
Replied to Tenzing_Choeying_5139

With some people it’s simply for the fun, the thrill of the kill, not every thing the mc die shreds to be motivate any a higher calling, I mean he is still human after all(not for long depending on how this story goes) and probably has a mental illness both in this life and the last although I can’t pinpoint what it is exactly and also it could be call a soul illness at this point considering he’s repeating actions

I also returned to being a serial killer, randomly invading random people's homes, murdering entire families and drawing my signature runes, circles and pentagrams with blood. Before long people started calling me the Occult Serial Killer again.

Serial Killer In 'The Eminence in the Shadows'

Serial Killer In 'The Eminence in the Shadows'

Anime & Comics · Zephyrrrrr

11 days ago
Replied to Christian_Carbonel_2485

Nope, full demon form unless he learns othe type sod magic besides the one he has at his disposal

13 days ago
Replied to Elemecha

Perhaps if I can come up with some good ones, never written a song before so might take a minute

  • A Vampire in The Empire original

    A Vampire in The Empire


    Récemment mis à jour

    (Akame Ga Kill x Hellsing Vampire MC) The Kingdom of Walach, is a small country bordering the corrupted Empire, and they have been at war with them for generations barely holding out until she came. General Esdeath led the charge the broke the stalemate, leading to the conquest of my kingdom. I tried my best to make my father and my ancestors proud, to protect my people from the wretched Empire and yet I failed. They pillaged and destroyed the villages under my so-called protection, doing everything in their power to make sure I knew about it and that I was helpless to stop it. It was only thanks to their Teigu that they were able to do so for generations, so I started it. I started trying to create my own Teigu but we were only able to make a prototype. Made from the power of a truly fearsome creature often associated with the term "Vampire" I upgraded its abilities. I did everything in my power to make sure the people making this weapon did so to the best of their abilities. Then my death came and only then did it respond to my call, only then was I truly worthy of wielding it for in its own words. "Blood is the currency of the soul."

    3 Chs 37 Collections

  • Gotham's Radio Show original

    Gotham's Radio Show


    (Young Justice (esique) x Hazbin Hotel) (Cover from Pinterest) Deep In Gotham's swamps, most believe Solomon Grundy was the only corpse to have risen from the grave and come back to life. Alastor, once a prolific serial killer/cannibal in the 1900s, was killed by a hunter's stray bullet. So as time passed on the surface, dear old Alasator was being tortured in hell, sentenced to an eternity of torment for his earthly crimes. Yet somehow, in some way, he clawed his way out with a new demonic form to match, alongside a trusty microphone cane. Yet he didn't understand how much of Gotham had changed while he was gone, the beings now roaming the world that and the new infernal technological boxes. Far less elegant than the radio, a wonder of technology and the perfect way to communicate with people. That and the perfect way to make Alastor's debut in this new age, as caped crusaders take the skies and bats/birds prowl the rooftops, he's signals pierce the veil echoing throughout the streets, causing a new age of terror.

    5 Chs 272 Collections

  • Marvel: Typhon the Maker original

    Marvel: Typhon the Maker


    (Cover Image is not mine) In my life as a human, I was an artist, creating various works of art and drawings both during my actual work and during my spare time. I drew monsters, some from myths and legends, others from popular shows, anime, comics, and things like that. Sometimes it was due to my self-interest and other times it was because I was hired. I didn't make it big or anything like that but I was still living a good life, had a wife eventually alongside some kids but well old age gets to everyone eventually. I was sad that I was dying, but I accepted it, I had my children and one or two grandchildren alongside me. That and the rest of my family but I didn't have my wife alongside me, my muse, Rose, kept me grounded, and made sure my mind didn't wander off too often. When she died it broke all our hearts and well I went to a dark place, my work got darker, and the few clients I had noticed this as well. I think it was this dark part of my life that got its attention, I had no idea what it truly was all I saw was a bright light and it put something in me, my very soul, and tossed me through a vortex. Then I appeared on a lifeless planet, alongside countless other beings each one a newborn like myself. Then I knew what I was, what that being gave me, and the power I now wielded. I was Typhon the Maker, the origin of the monsters of the universe, and wielder of the Annihilation Maker from DxD. This was my purpose, for I was no longer human and nowhere near my timeline/world.

    10 Chs 1k Collections

  • MHA: The First Sorcerer original

    MHA: The First Sorcerer


    (Cover image is not mine, MHA and Jujustu Kaisen belong to their respective owners) The world of quirks is where 80% of the population has superhuman abilities in all shapes and forms. From a person having a cactus for a head to All Might's amazing physical feats of strength and power, a hero so well beloved that he was called the Symbol of Peace. So where do I fit in, in a world of fantastical abilities why am I the only one who can see them, the darkness of humanity, the monsters around every corner? My name is Saiko Akumakyo, the first sorcerer, the only man in the world that I know of who can see these things, exorcist them, and rid the world of them. Well at least I do now, it didn't start that way, I tried to be normal well as normal as you can be in a world like this combined with what I can see. I got a job teaching elementary students, to help or possibly help any kids that end up like me, the weirdos so that they can have a better childhood than I did. So that they didn't have a life I did, one rife with tragedy, one where the world turned its back on you. Yet I just couldn't stay away for long, these things just couldn't leave me alone and even then more of them were appearing every day like wildfire. Even then if it wasn't the monstrous things, my very touch and existence effect those around me, so I left, I trained, I came back ready to find the source, the leaders of these curses and take care of them.

    6 Chs 190 Collections

  • The Boys: Decay original

    The Boys: Decay


    (Hopefully better than the Boys: All for One and Ultron, wasn't happy with them) The Boys is a world where a Nazi scientist created a substance called Compound V, a chemical that grants superpowers to human beings. All the while under the ever-watchful eye of Vought, a pharmaceutical and superhero company. Yet underneath the light of day, lies dark secrets, the deaths caused by supes alongside all the drugs they could ever want. It was a world I was vaguely familiar with, a world I found myself born in after having died in my last life. I didn't like thinking about it, my parents died in a car crash and this left me to shoulder the debt they left behind so I had to work every day just to make ends meet. To just barely survive and the only comfort, comics, and shows well certain ones at least. I had to distract myself somehow and well I did by reading any manga I could find for cheap or on sale. My favorite was My Hero Academia all the flashy powers and interesting powers. The villains however were the best, he always empathized with them, with their goals and dreams, of the fact they were outcasts in their society. Just like me in a way, when I begged for help from my other family members they abandoned me and left me to rot. I just grew a hatred for the way society was and in a way I just want to destroy everything, to make it all decay like Tomura did. Yet in this new world, I had his powers, his abilities, his ability to decay everything so maybe, just maybe it was time to let the darkness out and let the world see its true self. To destroy this rotten world, this rotten society.

    9 Chs 561 Collections

  • Monarch of Frost System original

    Monarch of Frost System


    (Solo Leveling X Swordmaster's youngest son) The Monarch of Frost, the Ice Monarch Silad had tried to freeze the Shadow Monarch. To freeze the shadows and death itself, yet it failed. He failed to destroy one of the strongest monarchs to ensure their plans succeeded. To stop the Ruler's from winning their war and prevent the destruction of the earth and the descent of the Monarch of Destruction, the strongest of the monarchs. Then he was back, time had been reversed once more and he was back in the Chaos World alongside the other previously deceased monarchs. Antares thought he was clever, repurposing the system of the Architect to find his successor, well two could play this game and Silad began designing his system. Making a way for him to descend once more, for a new army of Snow Folk, or as the humans called them Ice Elves. To master his magic, and his style of combat and become far stronger than he was before after all it worked for the Shadow Monarch when he chose Sung Jinwoo. That's where Jack Fryus came in, as he was hiking up a relatively safe mountain trail, he encountered something. An odd-looking building and a sudden blizzard forced them inside and when he entered, he was greeted with odd paintings. Each one had a different depiction of what he could only call "Ice Elves" or elves with ice-like skin. It was odd but maybe someone lived in this place and was a fantasy author or artist. Then he saw a particularly big one, of a tall elven figure with a spear behind him and a set of rules.

    6 Chs 129 Collections

  • Monarch of Destruction System original

    Monarch of Destruction System


    (Solo Leveling x Doom Breaker/Reincarnation of the suicidal battle god) In his final moments, before Ashborn, no Sung Jin Woo killed him Antares used his magic to change the system designed by the Architect, to create a new vessel, and be reborn once more. That was only after the first time they battled, when he used the cup of reincarnation he began to design a stage. A place to test a group of humans to see who would be worthy of obtaining this new system, and he made a few of his own personal modifications. He did everything to make his own system but he couldn't find an architect and before his second and most likely final death, he sent the system to a random planet, a place like Earth yet not at the same time. In some way as he died, he knew that he would live on and would descend once more when the vessel was ready. Enter Leon Galrus, a student in the archaeologist who was starting to regret doing but for right now he was on a class trip with his fellow students and his professor during spring break. Which was a good signal amongst many others he should change his degree after it was all done but it was strange from the start and then when they reached a large room well it all ended there for them. When he woke up next he was now in a strange new world with a system, with a new goal and purpose in life he would survive, and he would thrive in this second life with no regrets.

    13 Chs 240 Collections