Raziel_Acedia - Profile


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2019-05-31 Joint United States

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If Aang is older, is Bumi older too?

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Don’t pander to the audience to get more views. It may work short term for views but it ruins the story for all the readers who would be here long term.

And I noticed something. Whenever a story with a degenerate premise is created it almost gets nearly 50K views within a week and that's just the minimum, while mine barely got 30K views after all this time. Not that I'm ungrateful, I'm very much happy that I got this much views to be honest. So is that the secret for more views? but nearly all the time, the stories are just a brain rot which serves no purpose than wasting our time. So I'd like to know about your thoughts on my take. Wanna know if I'm alone or if I got my bros with me.



Anime & Comics · I_Like_that_thighs


As someone who came here directly after finishing a re-read of A Magical Journey I’m getting a sense of Deja vu…

In this world, Harry Potter was still the Boy-Who-Lived, but his parents were also still alive, and he even had a twin sister to make matters worse, bringing quite a change to the timeline.

Harry Potter: Heir of Darkness

Harry Potter: Heir of Darkness

Book&Literature · SlyOW

Replied to Melegant

Random Omnipotent Being

"You know, you just watched my entire life and you can't remember my name, are you really the fabled ROB?"

In Naruto: With Shanks Template

In Naruto: With Shanks Template

Anime & Comics · LordRaphael


“… my left leg.” <should be right leg


100 years*


Something about the way you type spell names makes them not show up. Either they show as “” or nothing at all making it hard to figure out which spells he is using

His eyes twinkled with amusement, "Although... to use the curse, a fourth year spell in your first year and I have also heard from your professors that your wandwork is well beyond your years and your peers. Jeep up the good work, my boy." He nodded his head sagely and left followed by few of the professors. McGonagall escorted me to the Gryffindor Tower bade me a good night before leaving.

Re : Harry Potter

Re : Harry Potter

Book&Literature · Hellblazer_Crusher


When your first thoughts are manipulating others… yeah Slytherin sounds about right

Sitting at the Slytherin table with green robes like all the other people, Ronan felt betrayed. That stupid hat sent him to Slytherin before he could even get a chance to reason with it, Honestly, this was very upsetting. Most of his plans included getting closer to the trio and manipulating them into killing the snake-headed bastard before he could rise again. But now in Slytherin, he didnt know whether he still would be able to pull anything off or not. 

HP: Ronan's Journey

HP: Ronan's Journey

Book&Literature · YashVardhan_OG

Replied to Bossotronian12

lol, bet!

(A/N: Retconned MC name to Hiroto instead of Saitama.)

Reborn as Saitama in MHA

Reborn as Saitama in MHA

Anime & Comics · Suploly


Don't they need to use the time magic from the underwater labyrinth to activate the one in the sea of trees?

After a few seconds, I come up with a good plan and reply, "Well, from my point of view all your problems are quite easy to fix... Sure for you guys alone to conquer this Labyrinth would surely take a lot of time, but with my guide, it will only take a few days, a week or two at most... The problem with the classmates you have left behind, isn't urgent yet, and my next destination after this, is the Divine Mountain as it is in fact another Great Labyrinth, so the chaos that I will cause will surely allow you to rescue them... And about where to go after... Well, there is the Beastman Country of Verbergen, a nation located deep within the Sea of Trees of Tortus. They do not follow any religion and are quite hostile to outsiders so you will be safe from the agent of Ehit, moreover, they will regard any individual who conquered a Great Labyrinth as "The Chosen" and would support them to the best of their abilities".

Battle Across The Omniverse

Battle Across The Omniverse

Anime & Comics · Odyin

Replied to _Alenkar

His world has 2 years protection not him. If he leaves his world that protection doesn’t count for him. He can’t go to Harry Potter and no one else can come to Saint Seiya but they could meet in another world before that time is up

Saori looks at me and asks "Are you sure that it isn't dangerous? After all if the magic that you can learn there is truly so useful, it means that it can grant others enough power to be a treat to you...", becoming more sure of my choice the more I think about it I nod and say "Well, the danger is everywhere... But, if everything goes according to the plan I should have the time to gain enough strength to be unbeatable by everyone else in that Universe!".

Battle Across The Omniverse

Battle Across The Omniverse

Anime & Comics · Odyin


Crazy how you can say all this when the story's not even yours. Cloud9Stories has the same EXACT story on FF.net under the title Meddling Giant AND has more chapters. This is almost word for word their story not yours.

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This is plagiarized from Meddling Giant by CloudNineStories. There are more chapters available both on here and on FF.net. This is almost 1 for 1, but the chapters here are split into segments.

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Replied to Demonun

This is THE EXACT SAME as Meddling Giant by CloudNineStories. Word for word.

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Replied to KenTheSlayer

That or the existence of a conscience denotes a subconscious that fights back against being warped similar to how his warping with [Reality] is temporary because it’s resisted by the World’s Consciousness.

"By inanimate objects, I actually meant things without a soul, or more precisely things without a conscience of their own, at least that's how I see it as I am not too sure about it."

Lord of Dreams - A Multiverse Fanfiction

Lord of Dreams - A Multiverse Fanfiction

Anime & Comics · Houssem

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