I am that kind of tacky person! Give me my cubic meter of gold!
Book&Literature · Dragonel23
From the corner, Kasen pounded his chest with his fist and pointed at Lester, his eyes shining intensely, as if to say, "Brotherhood—right here, in the heart."
Book&Literature · Dragonel23
The beauty of their women and the taste of their food made the Brits the best sailors in the world
The Fates nodded, "that is Britania, the representation of Britain in the ancient world. Most believe it was just something created by the Romans to distinguish the country, but in reality Britannia was very real. Britannia was just an ordinary sea nymph, she was one of Poseidon's many children. She however was unlike her brothers and sisters, she was not content with simply remaining in Atlantis, she wanted to explore the world. And she did, and eventually she came upon this country, Britain. And she fell in love with it."
Book&Literature · SageOF016
When I hear Demon Paimon, my mind first goes to movie Hereditary
"Pretty big mouth for a fool who couldn't even protect the title of king, that was basically spoon fed to him. Isn't that right, King' Paimon?" Griffon smirked and spoke in a mocking tone.
Anime & Comics · DarkSlayer3377
Peter Pettigrew sorting also led to hatstall, which is after McGonnagall's sorting
Sorting had taken longer than usual, something known as a "Hat Stall," a rare occurrence that usually indicated the student was extraordinary. The last such event involved Professor McGonagall, now Hogwarts' Deputy Headmistress.
Anime & Comics · Bored_reader027
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[Wake up young man.] A voice called out for me but I was busy keeping my eyes closed and waiting for my death.
Anime & Comics · 1AxellexA1
Snow White with the Red Hair
I leaned in, closing the distance, and pressed my lips to hers.
The Strongest Student of the Weakest Academy
Fantasy · Lukname