Why he not answered, "Dunno, I will wait order from Horikita." ? Cause by this, he releaved that he is the mastermind after all
"Same as you. I'd tried to figure out who was the "target" amongst the classes, swap phones with them, and pass myself off as the real "target" instead" I replied.
Realistic · KiWiSoda
I kinda like this chapter lol
Thank you for uploading this... I really wanted to read COTE translation without being messy. I mean, the improper pharagraps and such. Thank you so much. Hope the more volume released, you keep updating it here.
"No, but it's hard for one person to¾" "It's okay, there's only a little left."
Urban · Novel_Writer_5480
idk why, but I laugh at this
As I tried to come up with a plan, Sakura tilted her head with a bewildered look. Perhaps sensing that Sakura's movement meant danger, the caterpillar frantically tried to escape. Ah, this wasn't good! Don't be reckless, bug!
Urban · Novel_Writer_5480
what a sarcasm
Yamauchi wanted to display his manliness in front of Sakura by any means necessary, so he once again thrust his branches over to me to hold. How gentlemanly.
Urban · Novel_Writer_5480
Well, like you?
He possessed a brilliant mind and outstanding physical ability, which he'd perfectly adapted to the forest without hesitation. If only he had a personality like Hirata's, he would be a perfect superhuman.
Urban · Novel_Writer_5480
Did he do it on purpose? lol
"Oh, sorry, I was wrong. It's Suzune."
Urban · Novel_Writer_5480
I like this wording
even if it Ayano who ask, the probability Suzu will accept still low lol
It seems that Sudou never wanted to ask me to go see the fortune-teller but rather wanted to go with Horikita. But he must have felt even if he invited her, the chances of her accepting were low hence relied on me.
Classroom Of The Elite Year 1
Realistic · KiWiSoda